Getting over the stigma.

Nudists come in all shapes and sizes! And thats a wonderful thing!!!

I let my own insecurities over the small size of my penis prevent me from enjoying social nudity for most of my life. It took me over 40 years to finally get to a point where I just said fuck it and stopped caring what others might think of me and started stripping down and just enjoying being a nudist. Turned out that nobody cared and even if someone did who the hell are they to judge me for something I had no control over? So many years and experiences missed but lots of time to make up for it now! I thank the amazing confident men that were also unhung that werent afraid to be seen naked as my role models who made me admire your confidence and positive body acceptance even though most of you had no idea I saw or admired you. I strive to be that same role model for other men who may be afraid or ashamed of themselves. Also to be seen by other men so that they see an unhung man and not just a locker room full of hung confident men that its okay to be seen and nothing to be ashamed of or made to feel ashamed of. Some guys have big feet others small hands, a wide nose, fat ear lobes, a flat ass, pointy elbows, were all different even our dicks and its okay!!! My life motto is we are all unique original works of art perfect exactly as we are! Its that uniqueness that makes use who we are. The sooner you convince yourself of that and accept it as your truth the happier you will be in your own body! We are not carbon copies nor would we all want to be the same. Sure I still wish my lil guy was a bit bigger but its fine just as it is and a part of ME and in the end a variable of what makes me me! If youre a nudist and unhung, get naked, be happy, enjoy nudism and stop letting the size of your penis prevent you from enjoying the nudist/naturist life! If youre in the Seattle area and looking for a body positive healthy minded nudist/naturist buddy DM me, I love making new nudists friends from all walks of life and orientations! Happy to be your wing man too if youve never had the courage to strip down and enjoy social nudity!

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RE:Getting over the stigma.

Well said. Thank you for sharing. I was just at an event last night and there were all shapes and sizes to every body part.

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RE:Getting over the stigma.

I agree 100% my friend. Ive been and continue to be insecure about my body and smaller penis, but when I do get to participate in a nudist setting, it always self affirming in the sense that nobody cares. Truly empowering

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RE:Getting over the stigma.

I chat with many here that have the same issue about they're small penis but guess what I have many conversations with men with large penises too. those with large penises are uncomfortable as they will stand out and those with small penises afraid they're won't stand out enough . we only get one chance in this world so better enjoy while your here . I've enjoyed being nude since I was little but my first experience at a nudist camp/resort was awesome . at the nude beach was better than awesome and if public nudity ever becomes legal that will be the ultimate . those who wait and claim to be a home nudist only aren't experiencing nudism unless your inviting a social group in . go find a nudist resorts or camp nearby or a nude beach before it's to late .

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