Naked at Lunch

Not to be confused with Naked Lunch: Naked at Lunch by Mark Haskell Smith is so true to life. As with every good author he set himself to really experience his subject. He has visited places where I have been and describes them so accurately. In some passages he reports conversations with people I have met. And I can hear them talking in his script. Whilst dealing with the serious side of naturism (origins and obstacles) it is also very funny. It is a must for introducing someone to nudism - or telling them why you or I do it, in depth.

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RE:Naked at Lunch

Read it when it first came out and agree its a good read.

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RE:Naked at Lunch

It is a very good book about nudism. Famous american story telling at its best. Wholesome humour and looking back to the past to the present day. Very entertaining for those who are into nudism. I am wondering why no one else creates a post here.

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RE:Naked at Lunch

Working my way through the books mentioned in this group. NAKED AT LUNCH by Mark Haskell Smith is maling me laigh whilst giving me a wealth of history and fun facts about nudism. Great reccomendation!

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RE:Naked at Lunch

I am working my way through some of the books mentioned here. NAKED AT LUNCH is making me smile whilst giving me a wealth of history and fun facts. Excellent recommendation!

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