My early morning nude adventure

As the nights get warmer, I am getting more daring? Brave?crazy?stupid?
At 3:00 this morning. 78 degrees out. It rained last night, so the lawn didn't need watering so I hopped on my bike and rode to the community clubhouse / pool where the mailboxes are to get the weeks accumulation of mail in the mailbox. The parking lot area is well lit at night and as I approached the mailbox area a motion sensor spotlight came on. If any of the neighbors were looking out their window, they would have seen me. I got my mail out of the mailbox and strapped it to the luggage rack on the bike. At that point I noticed that the jets on the hot tub were running. The pool area was unlocked, so being the good neighbor that I try to be, I walked to the timer switch for the hot tub and turned it off so it would not run all night. There is a security camera aimed right at the hot tub so if anyone was monitoring it they saw me nude. As I left, I saw a puddle of water in the parking lot like you would get if a car was idling there with the A/C on, so apparently someone was there shortly before I got there. I decided before I left the house that if someone was there when I got there, they were going to see me nude,
Now, before the National Enquirer clobbers me with a thousand million questions (yes, Moody Blues reference)
This is the first time I rode to the mailboxes nude, although I have driven there in the car and got out to get the mail nude several times before.
No, I did not have any clothing or any form of cover-up with me
I did have a few of my nude handyman cards, with a picture with me full frontal nude of course, just in case someone was there and reacted positively about seeing me nude.
I will probably go in the pool and hot tub nude a few times, OK maybe several times this summer. I will probably bring a swimsuit (Speedo type) with me just in case since I would be spending about 30 minutes there.

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RE:My early morning nude adventure

Thats got to be a great feeling, of riding naked on the roads that you travel all the time. Seeing things differently and feeling the coolness in the air.
Congratulations !

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RE:My early morning nude adventure

I will probably go in the pool and hot tub nude a few times, OK maybe several times this summer. I will probably bring a swimsuit (Speedo type) with me just in case since I would be spending about 30 minutes there.
We always use hot tubs naked and my wife refuses to use them if she knows they have been recently used clothed.

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RE:My early morning nude adventure

I'm in California,USA, but am, admittedly quite new to this.

I was wondering who might be down for some naked get togethers with some food, drink, full-body massages and generally relaxing together in an un-rushed, calm, sedate but private setting wherever possible (I'm not ready to be naked in public to be honest).

I can travel to you or we could hotel it, I'm pretty open-minded to new ideas/suggestions.

I'm open to straight single man, couples, F/M F/F pairs or even small groups (up to 4) whatever your group dynamic, race, religion, background or status etc but I'll always respect your boundaries if you make them clear from the offset.

I can be chatty or quiet, whichever you prefer.

For what it's worth, I love to give great full-body erotic massages which I really do thoroughly enjoy giving but it'd be great to receive them too for a change. with your info. Email is private to me.

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RE:My early morning nude adventure

That sounds like an awesome adventure!

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