Male Focused Massage

After closing due to Covid, I am re-opening the massage service. Happy to offer quality massages to men and women. No draping needed. Private session room with heated table and heated lotion.

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RE:Male Focused Massage

I frequently treat myself to massages. So,oOut of curiosity I looked at his website.

It's a bit curious that on TN he is offering massage. His website states he has never taken a course in massage, has no license in performing massage, and doesn't perform massage.

Would you go to a dentist that has never taken a course of study in dentistry, never obtained a degree in dentistry, and has no license to perform dentistry?

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RE:Male Focused Massage

I looked, too. And yes, it's odd., Fact is, Iowa law prohibits nude massage. The disclaimer is a libertarian attempt to dodge that law. Whether he overstates his lack of qualification in order to protect himself is an interesting question we can only guess at.

As a licensed massage therapist in Hawaii, I'm really sensitive to this one. Hawaii permits - in that it does not explicitly prohibit - nude massage, as do some other states. Here's a list I haven't verified, the first one that comes up on Google, from a Quora thread: "The following are states that allow draping optional massage . Colorado , Connecticut , Florida , Hawaii , Illinois , Iowa , Maryland , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Montana , New Hampshire , Rhode Island , South Dakota , Texas ."

What brings you within the scope of these laws is saying you are a massage therapist, and charging for your services. He charges, so he can't say he's a massage therapist.

Of course, even if you don't say you're a massage therapist, and charge, you can edge into legal jeopardy at the intersection of massage and prostitution laws if things turn sexual - something else he (more or less) says isn't going to happen. At least he says he's not "offering" it.

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RE:Male Focused Massage

On his TN post he uses the word massage, whereas on his website he refers to other terms such as bodywork and relaxation. Nowhere does he claim the term massage therapist. There are many kinds of bodywork modalities that involve the manipulation of muscles and soft tissue from reiki to rolfing with various certifications and clothing/draping. I also understand there are several modalities a licensed massage therapist can also use from shiatsu to Swedish and sports massage. As such, a therapist of massage as more qualified to deal with health issues and trained to better understand risks. He also refers to Body Electric, a type of erotic energy bodywork. In my own experience, I've had a naked vibrational bath or massage from gongs and crystal bowls which I found deeply relaxing and even arousing; no hands. In any case, I don't consider nudity, erections and ejaculations to be prostitution or shameful. Rather, they can be taking care of your body along with good sleep, diet and exercise. My overall impression of his website: he's grounded, respectful, eager to meet people's defined needs and highly skilled through intuition and experience. I've had a lot of professional bodywork and feel that's all important to me.

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RE:Male Focused Massage

My overall impression of his website: he's grounded, respectful, eager to meet people's defined needs and highly skilled through intuition and experience.
Same here. My comments were not so much about him and his work - about which I know very little - than about the legal and technical hoops his website is attempting to jump through - about which I know a lot.

It's worth noting from a nudist standpoint that in most states, and not just the more conservative ones, it's actually illegal to give a professional massage to an undraped client, even with the agreement of the therapist and client. That's a piece of nonsense nudist organizations might consider addressing.

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RE:Male Focused Massage

It's worth noting from a nudist standpoint that in most states, and not just the more conservative ones, it's actually illegal to give a professional massage to an undraped client, even with the agreement of the therapist and client. That's a piece of nonsense nudist organizations might consider addressing.

I read the statute for the State of Illinois where I live, a mandatory draping state but I was unable to find anything clear about nudity and draping, which I imagine are covered elsewhere. Much of the text I read is a word salad leaving me with the impression that licensure is key and one should avoid using the word "therapist" and to a lesser degree "massage." I imagine much depends on enforcement. I've spoken to a naked yoga instructor who had a visit from an authority regarding his work after someone got mad at him and complained, and he just denied everything. In the same way, I've used the services of a licensed massage therapist whereby both parties are naked. He seems to carefully choose his clientele and avoids any sexual contact or activity, though that unfortunately cannot mitigate that risk. My impression is that such statues are written to make it easy to look the other way unless there are problems such as assault and trafficking or things that impact real estate values taking place.
The poster here is careful not to give specifics on his address on his website listing for clothing optional camping or bodywork. This is wise to keep reactionary neighbors and locals in the dark. I'd love to come out and visit his site to camp as well as get a massage - both naked of course - and only wish he were closer.

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RE:Male Focused Massage

While people are looking over and examining web pages of massage therapists, how does mine measure up?:

Here is a site where you can find a massage therapist in your area:

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