RE:Who else still uses their Y?

I have been using several of the Ys near my house. All have a variety of locker room facilities. Most have a specific area for males over 18, and a similar area for females. The more updated facilities seem to trend towards replacing the gang style showers, however that has not been the norm. Most still use the open style shower area. Covid likely made it easy for those wanting to transition to stall style areas.

Those with stalls are cramped. Generally all of the locker rooms have some form or combination of dry and wet sauna. The proportion of those using the areas nude or clothed is 70/30 to maybe 60/40 trending towards nude use. The areas seeing higher percentages of nude are also the Ys where the open shower area still is a present.

One particular Y has a wonderful mens locker room. Likely a holdover from Ys past. It has the largest over 18 room. And is on the top floor of the facility. It has both dry and wet saunas and a massage area. There is also a secluded sun area that is almost exclusively used nude. There is hope that the traditions of old have not been completely abandoned.

Wonderful topic for discussion

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RE:Who else still uses their Y?

I have been using several of the Ys near my house. All have a variety of locker room facilities. Most have a specific area for males over 18, and a similar area for females. The more updated facilities seem to trend towards replacing the gang style showers, however that has not been the norm. Most still use the open style shower area. Covid likely made it easy for those wanting to transition to stall style areas.

Those with stalls are cramped. Generally all of the locker rooms have some form or combination of dry and wet sauna. The proportion of those using the areas nude or clothed is 70/30 to maybe 60/40 trending towards nude use. The areas seeing higher percentages of nude are also the Ys where the open shower area still is a present.

One particular Y has a wonderful mens locker room. Likely a holdover from Ys past. It has the largest over 18 room. And is on the top floor of the facility. It has both dry and wet saunas and a massage area. There is also a secluded sun area that is almost exclusively used nude. There is hope that the traditions of old have not been completely abandoned.

Wonderful topic for discussion

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RE:Who else still uses their Y?

I have been using several of the Ys near my house. All have a variety of locker room facilities. Most have a specific area for males over 18, and a similar area for females. The more updated facilities seem to trend towards replacing the gang style showers, however that has not been the norm. Most still use the open style shower area. Covid likely made it easy for those wanting to transition to stall style areas.

Those with stalls are cramped. Generally all of the locker rooms have some form or combination of dry and wet sauna. The proportion of those using the areas nude or clothed is 70/30 to maybe 60/40 trending towards nude use. The areas seeing higher percentages of nude are also the Ys where the open shower area still is a present.

One particular Y has a wonderful mens locker room. Likely a holdover from Ys past. It has the largest over 18 room. And is on the top floor of the facility. It has both dry and wet saunas and a massage area. There is also a secluded sun area that is almost exclusively used nude. There is hope that the traditions of old have not been completely abandoned.

Wonderful topic for discussion

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RE:Who else still uses their Y?

When in the locker room, I stay nude for as long as I can. I will see others that stay nude as well.

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RE:Who else still uses their Y?

I still go, very well equipped Y here. In the mens locker room there are sauna and steam room. There was an open shower until Covid when partitions were installed. Most wear shorts or bathing suits in the sauna and steam room.

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RE:Who else still uses their Y?

I never quite understood the shorts etc in steam room or sauna

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RE:Who else still uses their Y?

I still go there and just lay a towel across my lap if that

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RE:Who else still uses their Y?

We have a YMCA here in Athens GA. It was the third Y built un the US and pre-dates the Civil War.
The current facility was built in 1967 and for the most part, hasn't changed much with the exception of now being coed.
The pool, of course is now mixed gender but the men's locker room still has a sauna and steam room as well as gang showers. (The hot tub has been removed for some time now).
Nudity in the locker room/shower area is still quite common. Some wrap with a towel in the sauna and steam room but others don't bother and its rare to see anyone in the shower who isn't nude. It doesn't seem to differ with age, young and old alike seem to have a comfort level with full nudity there.
In contrast, we have many local Gyms, with one in particular that has a sauna but the steam room had a series of breakdowns so has now been closed. The showers are stalls with frosted glass doors. It is the only one in town that offers free membership to seniors and has a sauna so I joined. I like my periodic sauna therapy.
Its a totally different atmosphere, nudity is rare (except for me) and most of the gym rats use the sauna in full work out gear with me being the only one nude. We're a college town so it's mostly young guys.
Over time it has developed a unique funk smell! Tolerable but not the smell you expect in a sauna.
Even though it's free to me, I still prefer paying to go to the Y if I'm feeling the need for my sauna and steam fix. It's old school and I really prefer the comfort level of the nudity that still exists there and the sauna smells like a sauna. It allows me to get in a good sauna/steam sweat session.

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