Nude hikes this spring

Hello, I recently purchased a property in uppsate New York near Albany that will allow me to hike nude. Its 125 acres and looking for some fellow nudists in New York or western Mass to hang out let me know. Would be fun to have a large group. Let me know if you are interested! Have a good one.

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

I'm in the Glens Falls area. I love to hike in the nude, but it is getting harder to find secluded trails and also someone to hike naked with. I have hiked a trail north of Bolton Landing called "Deer Leap", which is less used and if you go at first light, you can usually be sure you are the first one on the trail, so hiking naked going in is safe, but coming out is risky.

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

I live in the Finger Lakes of New York and would love to find a good place to hike in the nude. Also, would love to have nude friends to socialize with in my private home.

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

I'm in NYC, but I'd certainly be interested.

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

Interested as well.

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

I'm about a half Hour south of Albany.
That sounds interesting

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

As an avid hiker, naked whenever possible, I am very interested. Often hike in Vermont and your area seems very close.

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

Im downstate but would be interested. If I can make it.

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

I live in Delaware County, NY about an hour and a half from Albany and interested in nude hiking.

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

The "New England Freehikers" group posts events (was hoping to be out yesterday but a friend's plans and the weather changed that). Is there a comparable group for New York hikes?

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RE:Nude hikes this spring

I love hiking nude. But since they closed the areas i used to go hiking nude I have been looking for other places to go. I am up in the Albany area now and then and love to hike nude again.

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