I am also a single, living alone male and I am always naked at home. I have a great covered back patio to hang out on when the weather is warm. My neighbor knows and don't care. I go out driving in the west desert of Utah all the time when the weather is nice. There are some local hot springs that I go to and usually there are other naked people around. I really like me so I don't have a problem hanging out alone. I would like to eventually meet and hang out with others but I'm not in any rush. I am looking forward to go to resorts and naked camping, trying to put a plan together and see where this takes me.
Check in meetup. There are 4 groups that have events together. Inland empire nudist club, naturist in the orange county, Los Angeles nudist group and San Diego camping bares. All are non landed. We do hikes, blacks, deep creek and events at de anza and olive dell.
Check them out. There is a 5k at de anza Sunday. Noy sure if space/registration is still open.
I male friend needed a place to stay for a couple of months. I basically told him when I am at home, I am nude. He doesn't mind and his girlfriend comes over most days. They are both very accepting. I go to Glen Eden occasionally and to Deep Creek Hot springs. About half my friends are aware I am a nudist and I never have reviewed any flack.
There ought to be more places for us.
If anyone near Chino Hills wants to connect for some freedom, I'm in