RE:Caught Hiking Nude

I was visiting Eureka California and decided to find a nice stretch of beach to hike. Coming from the puritan Midwest, I wasn't considering naked hiking. Then a man and his dog walk by, both naked without a concern in the world.
Is this a nude beach? I asked.
If you want it to be, he replied.
Off came the clothes in a heartbeat.
I for one love being naked, but I just want to enjoy it and not give any thought of being caught by anything other than insects and UV rays.

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RE:Caught Hiking Nude

can't speak for california but here in georgia i've been caught a few times hiking nude , once two women i was far back in a remote trail but got turned around and ended up on a more used trail and maybe 25 feet from two ladies hiking one had a conniption the other sorta laughed i did apologize and told them i was a nudist and preferred hiking nude and probably the saving grace i didn't have a erection and i'm pretty small anyways . the calm one told her friend to relax it not like you haven't seen a guy nude have you , we talked a few minutes again the calm on was curious i told her about some of the nudist camps in the area and had to elaborate to the other why i wasn't hiking there instead finally we parted ways . once at the same park i had hiked the back country and came out on a horse trail well horse and people trail i was still nude and didn't want to dress yet as i walked toward the front where i would slip on my shorts before entering to parking area , i had walked maybe a hundred yards or so and was getting ready to stop and put my shorts on when a dozen or so mountain bikers (bicycles) came around the bend i literally had to jump out of the way as they flew by - all i could hear was "hey he's naked " and giggles and laughter . been caught a few times at camp i use to belong to there was a powerline at the rear of camp sometime out of boredom i would exit out a rear gate and walk the backroad that ran under the powerline usecd by maintenance crews and would come up on some of the crews working , they apparently knew of the nudist camp and would just say hi as i walked by , i know inside camp power crews , telephone and even delivery people would pop in . one time the owner was installing a brick wall by the pool area i showed up saw a crew delivering the brick i got nude and walk past them everyone was clothed even the owner and his helper it was cool being the only one nude.

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RE:Caught Hiking Nude

I was caught hiking nude just outside Aspen,Co. a couple of mountain bikers rode by really quick they just looked at me and kept riding. I was on another trail on the other side of the same valley and covered up when I saw a few people coming along. I think they saw me they just smiled and walked past me.

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RE:Caught Hiking Nude

I always meet strangers in the forest!

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RE:Caught Hiking Nude

I always meet strangers in the forest!

How lucky for them! Were you bare, and were they bare, or bear, those strangers? Regardless, everyone wins as long as no one gets bit ~

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RE:Caught Hiking Nude

Couple times when I lived in Chicago I was seen by dog walkers or a cyclist on the trail in the woods, most stopped to look so I did too. Usually they said hello or good morning or just smiled and waved as they passed by. Never anything uncomfortable for either of us, so it was a good experience. Was chased down once by a woman on horseback which was pretty scary. She didn't seem like she was interested in small talk.

Out here I've had a few close calls with dirt bikers out in the wash but they never got close enough I think to see anything.

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RE:Caught Hiking Nude

Did get caught the other day after sunset when leaving the bay to trek home. I thought there's no chance of anyone heading outbound that late and if they were, their torch would give them away in time for me to don my long polo which was in my hand.

As it turned out a couple of guys were heading out to the bay in the dark, they were too close when I noticed their torch and my donning was not cleanly executed. They just laughed as I described the failure of my plan while trying to find the second armhole! May as well have walked calmly past them without any evasive action.

Pre-dawn was much more successful. No encounters on the trail and the added assurance of breaking through many spiderwebs to confirm I was first along for the day. Walkers from the other end didn't start to appear until just after sunrise, apart from the odd surfer, but I generally treat them as a separate species anyway for my purposes.

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RE:Caught Hiking Nude

Didn't get caught hiking. But my wife and I got caught on a backpacking trip once. We had been backpacking (not nude) for roughly 7 miles and had stopped because it was getting dark and we needed to set up our camp. We setup just off the trail in an area right next to the river. We cooked supper and relaxed while night settled in. About an hour or so after dark we decided that since nobody had walked by on the trail since before dark we were probably safe to strip down and bathe in the river. So we stripped and washed off the days sweat and grime. Afterwards, we decided to stay naked and enjoy the campfire. We stoked the fire up nice and big so it would toast our naked bodies. After 30 or 40 minutes of standing by the fire completely naked, we hear something moving. It was a guy who was trail running with a headlamp. Neither my wife or myself had time to react to him running down the trail, so we just stood there completely nude... cock, tits, pussy and asses hanging in the breeze. He waved as he ran by. My wife and I burst out laughing as soon as he was out of sight. We were both so turned on by getting caught, that we fucked right there in the dirt by the fire. Then we had to take another bath. We didn't put clothes on until the next morning when we started backpacking again. One of my most memorable backpacking trips ever!

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RE:Caught Hiking Nude

I guess "getting caught" is the wrong term, as it implies we're doing something wrong or obscene. A thief gets caught, for example. I would prefer to say "run into others" or "get seen by others" etc.

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RE:Caught Hiking Nude

I agree... nothing shameful about it. :-))

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