RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?

Of course, there are obstacles that everyone faces like lack of privacy, neighbors, and professional/social obligations that hinder my time spent nude. However, the greatest hindrance to me enjoying nudity (while being nude) is strangers who cannot read social cues in a nudist setting. There are times to engage with and meet new nudists but there are clear times to give people personal space and not force a conversation. Not to stereotype but usually, it is someone who came to the beach or resort alone and more than likely has alternative motives for being there. It happens nearly every time I make it out to a resort or beach, either I witness it or it happens to me.

Most recently, my girlfriend and I were tanning lakeside, face down, obviously keeping to ourselves at that moment when a random guy stood over us and loudly introduced himself. We both turned around, said hello, and started to turn back around after we exchanged brief pleasantries but the guy was insistent on talking to us. We dropped several hints that we were not looking to mingle at the moment but it was a clear one-way conversation and he was oblivious to whatever we said.

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RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?


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RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?

We don't get many visitors as we live out in the country but we live in a neighborhood of 4 acre lots. The street is often used for walkers and runners.
Our back is totally private, the front has a thick hedge of Leyland cypress trees that border the road but the two driveway openings allow for a clear view into the front yard.
I am able to be nude in back but if I want to work, mow or look around the front, I have to stop in the garage first to slip on a pair of tan throughs.
It's annoying, shorts on, shorts off. I usually just stay in back.
Other than that, it's virtually perfect for nudist living. No complaints, It's so much better than our last home in suburbia.

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RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?

I would say for so many out there the biggest hindrance is the significant other won't approve of it as my 1st marriage. It didn't start that way but sure got that way. I have a heart for those people and there circumstances. There has to be a longer list to add to that.
Kids moving back in or won't launch, nearest beach is a plane ride away, no clubs near by or has been mentioned living in suburbia.

Social nudity for a single male as we all know can be tricky. If you live in the polar north and can't afford to crank the thermostat your rather stuck with clothes. I'm sure there is even more than can be added.

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RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?

My wife is not a problem. She does expect me to put something on when we have company, but is fine with me being nude otherwise. She did finally agree that can sun and swim nude in the back yard when she has friends in the house as long as I close the back curtains.
The only significant remaining difference is that I would like to drive nude in our van and she doesn't want me to. My car is a convertible and I would rather have the top off and my shorts on in warm weather than the other way around.
Weather is a problem. I don't want to spend the money to keep the house warm enough to be nude in the colder months.

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RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?

If you live in the polar north and can't afford to crank the thermostat your rather stuck with clothes.

Not sure that living north is any different than being a southerner. On a December trip to the St. Petersburg FL area some years ago, I was comfortable in shorts and a tee shirt when the temperature dipped into the 60's. The natives tended to be dressed in hats, scarves, gloves, and winter weight coats. One man looked at me and said, "You must be from the North."

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RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?

If you live in the polar north and can't afford to crank the thermostat your rather stuck with clothes.Not sure that living north is any different than being a southerner. On a December trip to the St. Petersburg FL area some years ago, I was comfortable in shorts and a tee shirt when the temperature dipped into the 60's. The natives tended to be dressed in hats, scarves, gloves, and winter weight coats. One man looked at me and said, "You must be from the North."

Yes we experienced that on one Fl trip. When we where on a beach at 65 degrees it was near deserted. The few locals that were there was pretty much there to find sea shells fully dressed and looked at us like we were nuts. When you fly in from zero degrees to 65 one gets the notion there are a lot of whiners there. I say that having many close friends down there and listen to the gripes that it's overcast and humid ect.
Try -30 windchill snow blowing side wise and I maybe might feel your pain. :D :D

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RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?

If you live in the polar north and can't afford to crank the thermostat your rather stuck with clothes.Not sure that living north is any different than being a southerner. On a December trip to the St. Petersburg FL area some years ago, I was comfortable in shorts and a tee shirt when the temperature dipped into the 60's. The natives tended to be dressed in hats, scarves, gloves, and winter weight coats. One man looked at me and said, "You must be from the North."

We had a similar experience in FL some years ago. When I got up the morning of our trip, it was 0. By the time we left for the airport it was 12. When we got there, the natives were complaining that it had dipped into the upper 30's that morning, Didn't sound all that bad to me.
While we were there, we heard a concert by a touring choir from northern Michigan. They were commenting that the "cold" Florida weather felt like summer to them.

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RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?

If you live in the polar north and can't afford to crank the thermostat your rather stuck with clothes.Not sure that living north is any different than being a southerner. On a December trip to the St. Petersburg FL area some years ago, I was comfortable in shorts and a tee shirt when the temperature dipped into the 60's. The natives tended to be dressed in hats, scarves, gloves, and winter weight coats. One man looked at me and said, "You must be from the North."We had a similar experience in FL some years ago. When I got up the morning of our trip, it was 0. By the time we left for the airport it was 12. When we got there, the natives were complaining that it had dipped into the upper 30's that morning, Didn't sound all that bad to me.While we were there, we heard a concert by a touring choir from northern Michigan. They were commenting that the "cold" Florida weather felt like summer to them.

And until this summer upper 30's at night in July and August was more common than the upper 80's and 90's we have been getting.

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RE:What is your greatest hinderance to enjoying nudity?

Local laws and taboos - laws on how much nudity is permissible varies from country to country. A global nomad for most of my life - having lived in a dozen different countries - I have had to adjust to new realities a number of times moving up and down on the scale from almost no restrictions on where and how naked you can be to total ban on all forms of nudity. Moving from a restrictive to a liberal environment is easy. Moving the other way can be tough. Unfortunately I could not pick and chose my countries based on my desire to live as much of my life as possible naked.

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