3 Wishes

A genie appears and gives you 3 wishes, what would you wish for?

*A wish to wish for more wishes is not allowed*


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RE:3 Wishes

Great topic and I believe anything is possible

1) I wish more people would wake up to what's really happening in the world today and connect more to their spiritual side and learn to love and respect each other.
2) I wish corporations would stop polluting and destroying the environment and contaminating our food, water and air.
3) I would save my last wish to see what comes of my first 2 wishes and then make an adjustment from there.

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RE:3 Wishes

Had to think about this one for a while :-)

I'm giving up 2 wishes and only taking one.

I wish to go back to 1978 and know what I know at this moment today!! :-)

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RE:3 Wishes

1) echo the sentiments; wish for our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren to live long, healthy and happy lives

2) for our country and the world to return to sanity, civility, kindness and respect for all

3) I'd also like to return to 1971 with the knowledge that I currently have. I'd like to make some changes in my life as a husband and father.

I'm surprised but glad we didn't have any materialistic wishes... so far! ;DDD

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RE:3 Wishes

1 : Wishing that all weapons, clothing,money and electricity would vanish for 6 months, so that we as a human race can try and think about how to improve on the world and our relationship with each other (people depended on pacemakers etc are excluded and allowed to te keep using them..I'm not a monster.)2: Talking to plants would be interesting3: Be a lieutenant on the USS Enterprise. (Star Trek The Original Series is reality now)

Wow....that's first ones a good one!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE:3 Wishes

1. A world without hate, where we would all get along not matter how different we are.

2. Being able to talk to Animals.

3. Chocolate to be free and have such healing powers that it can cure everything.


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RE:3 Wishes

1) that my wife is alive again
2) peace on earth
3) all people live nude and only wear clothes when it is cold

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