RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

Count me in.

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RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

Now that the stay at home order has been lifted and before it gets hotter than hell, who is going to host this?

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RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

Count me in

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RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

I would be interested, Let me know

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RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

We invited 6 plus Carl and I so that would be 8 people that said they wanted to come over for a BBQ and pool party. We decided to take it up a notch and we bought baby back ribs to smoke with all the trimmings. Got a text from 1 that said they could not make it, another needed a ride and could not make it the rest simply did not show, call, text, email. 1 person showed! $180.00 in food and beverage. Be a very long time before we offer to host again. People are begging for hosts and then they pull shit like this. We spent a lot of time preparing and getting things in place for a nice afternoon poolside with snacks, beer, margaritas, etc. We also wanted to keep everything super clean due to the virus. Don't think we will put an open invite out again. Very inconsiderate and quite honestly downright rude.

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RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

Sorry that happened to you after all the effort. From personal experience, I can say the number of guys whove backed out at the last minute far outnumber the ones who actually follow through, unfortunately. I hope you arent completely soured on meeting up. The few guys Ive met here in person are pretty cool.

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RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

We have put out open invitations here and on TS and guys who say they want to come don't! It is frustrating, rude and expensive.
We now invite the guys we know will come and it's always pot luck and BYOB because hosting is very expensive. Sorry it happened to you guys! I didn't see the invitation, I would have given you a heads up if I had seen it. There are some great guys here who actually do want to get together and will show up and are happy to bring something to share.

We've hosted many times and have found out the hard way that many here are voyuers and mannerless and have no intention of ever meeting anyone.
Sorry for the crappy experience your first time!!

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RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

That's so unfortunate and I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't understand that mentality. This site could be such a great outlet to meet others and have met several on my buddy list. I'm very suspicious of members who lack the basic info in their profiles, have no or very outdated pix, and have thousands of "friends". Its certainly not the fault of this site but it could be more legitimized by owners simply by requiring face pix and certification. That would weed-out a lot! I hope you will have better luck in the future and don't take it personal. Its exactly what you already said.....just rude and inconsiderate.

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RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

how rude...unbelievable. Take care guys. Next time I am in Phoenix I surely stop by.

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RE:Phoenix, Arizona nude social group

I would like to join the group, and yes, i go to shangrila and tonopah hot springs.

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