
Hey all, so we read the about section of this page and it got us thinking about life in Australia. There seems to be still a lot of stigma between guys (regardless of sexual orientation) showing anything more than a handshake. It seems to be that the handshake is their way of saying you can't come closer, but we question why this is?? Being a gay couple in a town where there is a lot of prejudice for who we are makes it hard to make friends and nudist friends at that, plus being in a town where if you don't fit a particular look then people don't want to know you also makes it difficult. It's fascinating how, due to a stigma, people can be so cruel.

When we read about this group we thought this is definitely us. We are hoping to feel comfortable with expressing our opinions through threads on here and who knows maybe even make some long distance friends (that's if there are no Canberra guys in this group lol)


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Your comments are so true unfortunately. Gay and a nudist, now that makes the hypocrites bark shit. I guess they don't check out naked people at the pool/footie change rooms. They will see nude/gay people in the porn they watch. Perhaps they stop nurses from seeing them naked as they wipe their arse. They are totally ridiculous.

I hope you both are well and nude.

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100% this. I think there is a real and severe lack of healthy connection for males. All anybody wants is to be accepted but how can that happen when the ideal to aspire to is stoicism?

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Youre right! There is a bad stigma being a gay nudist as you mentioned. But you know men have feelings and were sensitive and sometimes we can all use a reassuring hug..yes our bodys may react to it but like u said it means it works! Enjoyed your story and the way you handled it..

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People may think that homophobia is a sign of strength. Rather, its a sign of weakness. Homophobia is about giving away you power to others and letting the perceived judgment of others color your self-perception, behavior and relationships. Why waste all that time, energy and money to make a good impression when in the end youre just doing exactly others want you to? Regardless of how masculine gay men may seem, one thing is clear: they all have more balls to be themselves than straight men who cower to the threat of not being straight enough.

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I read thru the posts and all that was said concerning gay men and nudism and the lack of understanding of other men and the fears , stoicism and such and one thing came to mind. You change gay to singe or solo married man and you would find the same mistreatment and discrimination of them as well but that is percieved as OK because it bothers our women nudist, Please think on that for ten seconds if possible

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I've thought about it for 10 seconds and don't understand your point about homophobia and female nudists or women in general. Can you please clarify? Thanks.

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