RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I just came in from a naked walk in my front yard. It was about 6:30pm and dark out and I went 100 meters out to the street. One car drove by as I was about halfway out. Their headlights hit me but they just kept going past me. I continued out to the street checked the mail I forgot to on Saturday. Walked back slowly to the house. Also note that due to injuries to my legs I cannot run to hide.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

Also note that due to injuries to my legs I cannot run to hide.

Best to keep walking slowly. A sudden change like stopping or running will trigger a "potential hazard" reaction in the driver and result in you being noticed.
If you present no driving hazard you will not normally be seen, even though you are in the driver's field of view. By keeping still I avoided being noticed in the front garden many times.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I have done it many times including weeding and watering plants, I have been seen nude there when taking the rubbish bins outside to the road side. The front garden is partly private due to plants, but should drivers or passengers look, I will be seen. However, I find that most drivers are never looking. As a result, I am taking more calculated risks!

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I'm glad to be out in the country where only a dozen or so cars and farm vehicles pass by the front of the house. I can take out the trash or water the lawn. I don't cut the grass anymore naked out front because I can't hear the cars coming down the gravel road with all the noise. I almost got caught a couple of times on the mower.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

Not in the daytime. But my street is pretty dark so I have pulled the flag in from the front porch and gotten mail late at night when weather is nice. I am nude so much in the house and back yard that I have come close to absentmindedly going out during the day.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I had a similar experience recently whilst just up the road picking berries. Noone ever goes there i thought but after about an hour a guy on a bike rode down the path. Stay or flee? I stayed and he waved on rode on past.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I had a similar experience recently whilst just up the road picking berries. Noone ever goes there i thought but after about an hour a guy on a bike rode down the path. Stay or flee? I stayed and he waved on rode on past.
Typical behaviour in the UK by all accounts.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

In summer I will sometimes go out and get the newspaper nude. Only a few times has a car passed by and noticed me.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I've done yard work in the front yard nude but then I'm pretty well surrounded by bushes so not too worried about being seen.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

Typical behaviour in the UK by all accounts.

Your impression squares with my experience when hiking nude in England. And the English carry that attitude with them on travels. I was free-hiking in a remote area of Hawaii island when I encountered a middle age couple unexpectedly. I started to wrap in my pareau but they waved with a "no worries, that's become quite popular.". Very cool, I wish that was the normal response from Americans.

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