The scale
The scale is actively changing. Throughout life people's sexuality changes even without a person knowing. This can also change depending on an individual's perception of themselves deslite outward appearences. I.e man that likes women, but views himself as a woman or vise versa.
Sexuality is important, but its difficult to scale accurately especially with new terms appearing. I technically am Pan, but that means nothing to some scales.
Yes it used to be just two positions: straight and gay, like black and white. Bi introduced a mid point - a shade of gray. But maybe there are 50 shades of gray. Bi can tend towards straight or towards gay or anywhere in between. Hence the scale. And who does not experiment?
Yes it used to be just two positions: straight and gay, like black and white. Bi introduced a mid point - a shade of gray. But maybe there are 50 shades of gray. Bi can tend towards straight or towards gay or anywhere in between. Hence the scale. And who does not experiment?
I know I experimented in my younger yrs that is why I stayed single. I could never lie to a female partner or a male for that matter . So why hurt someone over your sexuality or give then suspicion and or guessing where you are . ........michael
Even the term 'bisexual' seems out of date these days, as bi means two. There are so many options open to sexually active people, and your needs can vary depending on your moods and the people you are with. Options, like your mind, should always be kept open.