I cant wait til Summer
It does get very wearying having to be careful to avoid offense to the stupid textile obsessed. And having to keep warm in the cold. Working naked seems to make work a little nicer, and more comfortable when it's warm. Easier to keep at it. And it helps that I love being exposed to the shine all over. But right now it's too cold, so I just have to keep at the jobs thrown my way and hope warm weather hurries up. Trying to get ready to spend more time working in my gardens nude when the time comes that I can. There's backup work to get done. Like repairing my garden pickup again. This time I'm giving up on the gas engine and swapping to an old diesel I traded for last fall. Probably a 1982 engine. I connected fuel and battery and it cranked and started. So I think it's good to go. If I dont get forced to drive a semi too much, I hope to start a lot of salad greens in a few weeks for my own enjoyment and sale at market.