House cleaning

Anyone interested in paying me to come clean your house nude? Drop me a message and we can discuss.


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RE:House cleaning

Yes please...
When you visit England let me know and we would love to have you

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RE:House cleaning

Hi Im in Brisbane please let me know I will be round

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RE:House cleaning

Love to be picked to clean your house while I'm over in Brisbane later this year x

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RE:House cleaning

Still interested?

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RE:House cleaning

It's s quite amusing that someone is offering to clean in the nude and yet their profile is showing as textile. Lol

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RE:House cleaning

doesn't that only change with time on the site? and isn't an actual indication of their real life status or length of time practicing?

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RE:House cleaning

I would definitely be interested in employing you if you're ever in the UK id pay you really good money too maybe have you for the day if that's possible id love to have you around my house x

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RE:House cleaning

If you are still doing this feel free to contact me.

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RE:House cleaning

Is Wynnum too far out for you?

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RE:House cleaning

I am in the UK. I leave in South Yorkshire. I can clean anyone's house in the nude. Nude cleaning makes me more relaxed in myself.

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