Am i a gay or not?

Its maybe an awkward question but almost always i put on tanktop and shorts. Wearing tanks is not so common where i live but i dont know why it attracts some men which i think they are gay. They come to me to talk. i enjoy wearing loose tank tops and short shorts because in this way i feel seminudist but do not enjoy thouse stares. its one of my fears of being a nudist. Now i suspect am i also a gay or not?

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RE:Am i a gay or not?

This entirely depends on if you enjoy these men talking to you. Being gay isn't like a disease where you are gay regardless if you like men or not. You just have to look inside yourself and think how you feel about these guys talking to you. If you don't like them, maybe tell them to back off for a bit. If you like the idea of maybe going on a date with one of them, maybe ask one out. This is dependent entirely upon how you feel.

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RE:Am i a gay or not?

Who cares wether you gay, straight LGBT or what not. No one here is allowed to judge you for what and who you are. Welcome to the site as you are for it is none of our business who do you go bed at the end of the day and of course we ask to respect every one the same. We are nudists and feel free to ask away and be yourself. Stay nude and have a great day. Hawk

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RE:Am i a gay or not?

This entirely depends on if you enjoy these men talking to you. Being gay isn't like a disease where you are gay regardless if you like men or not. You just have to look inside yourself and think how you feel about these guys talking to you. If you don't like them, maybe tell them to back off for a bit. If you like the idea of maybe going on a date with one of them, maybe ask one out. This is dependent entirely upon how you feel.

exactly! there's no shame in feeling attractive or being the subject of desire or polite compliment - wear or don't wear what makes you happy so long as there is no harm to yourself or others; you are allowed the right to be a sexual being as well if you desire

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RE:Am i a gay or not?

Contrary to what a lot of people are thinking nowdays, it's a fact of life that we decide what we want to be. It's a well known thing that our mind is quite capable of self programming, if we decide we are going to be something, or do something, we can train our minds to adapt itself to what we want. It takes time, but it works. Therefore Gay, Strait, whatever, is a choice we make. Now we may have emotions or feelings leaning one way or another, but we don't have to allow those feelings to dictate our lifestyle. Feelings are changeable as the wind.

For example a man who really hated the flavor of curry was sent to India for a several year job, he was invited into people's houses and ate with them. And of course curry is a favorite Indian dish. In order to not offend his host he had to eat it and pretend to like it. After awhile he actually did start liking it, until it became one of his favorite foods. His mind was reprogrammed to like something he'd once hated.

Personally I choose to search for the truth wherever I can find it, put it into practice and acclimate myself to it. For some time I was very gay inclined although I never practiced it. But knowing that it was against my understanding of truth and common sense, I decided I was not going to go there. I chose to order my mental makeup according to Biblical principals and instruction. And over time that has faded till I think it's entirely gone. I got into naturism in order to acclimate myself to nudity as a common thing while eliminating lust from my mind. And it works. I feel I can now get married and love a woman in the right way. For what I can do to make her happy, not for what pleasure I can get out of it.

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RE:Am i a gay or not?

Unless you fantasize or desire to have sex with another man, you are not homosexual.

There is a word for men who are straight, but like to wear various non-mainstream fashions, it is called "metrosexual". technically not gay, but pretty close.

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RE:Am i a gay or not?

Contrary to what a lot of people are thinking nowdays, it's a fact of life that we decide what we want to be. It's a well known thing that our mind is quite capable of self programming, if we decide we are going to be something, or do something, we can train our minds to adapt itself to what we want. It takes time, but it works. Therefore Gay, Strait, whatever, is a choice we make. Now we may have emotions or feelings leaning one way or another, but we don't have to allow those feelings to dictate our lifestyle. Feelings are changeable as the wind.


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RE:Am i a gay or not?

Best way to gain confidence is visit a naturist resort, especially where a function or program is being done. The event creates a reason to be there and do something instead of wandering around with nothing specific to do, trying to make friends at random. It can grow from there.

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