body casting

Who has done body casting? And how did it go?

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RE:body casting

I haven't, but a college friend of mine from NY did a torso casting and said it was a interesting experience. The only complaint was that the material they put on for casting was cold!

I think it would be something I'd like to try someday, but I don't think there are artists doing body casting around Iowa.

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RE:body casting

I have tried it a little with plaster bandages. I never had the funds to buy the silicone mold materials. I knew a man who used to make whole body casts and then press clay into them to make life size statues. He had a very large kiln. I wonder if there would be interest in doing a workshop?

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RE:body casting

I'm late to answer, but a workshop sounds like a good idea! Not sure how to go about rounding up interested artists. I'd be willing to model, if needed.

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RE:body casting

A long time ago, I knew an artist in Knoxville. He made a bunch of cats of my body. I should have shaved first. LoL getting the plaster off was challenging

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