Things to do naked

I love to sit on my Harley naked
Also I love to clean naked

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RE:Things to do naked

Wouldn't it be nice if you could ride your Harley nude?

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RE:Things to do naked

I would put on my chaps to keep from burning my leg and ride all the time nude

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RE:Things to do naked

I love to walk nude thru the woods and around the fields and ponds here on the farm. there is nothing better.

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RE:Things to do naked

Wouldn't it be nice if you could ride your Harley nude?

Of course you'd comply with the helmet law though right I can see it now motor cycle riders nude but with helmets on!

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RE:Things to do naked

Wouldn't it be nice if you could ride your Harley nude?

The only way you could do that is to ban all the idiots from the roads. Even not wearing leathers is risky round here

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RE:Things to do naked

I would go out to the garage with the doors closed and clean my car's inside and out. Pretty relaxed you ask me!

Must see if I can clean the car outside the garage this year. Anybody going along the lane unless they looked my way wont be able to see me doing it nude due to been inside the gates.

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