I got brave...

Here I am 57 years old, and until recently had never tasted lamb, much less tried to prepare it at home. Well, my sweet wife and I arrived at Lone Star Resort middle of the the night, and had to go into town for groceries the next day. The very nice meat market had some very pretty lamb chops so I branched out.
Built a fire in the pit, after marinating the chops in a little Kosher salt and smoked peppercorn for a little while, and put them on the fire with some marinated brussels sprouts. The chops were wonderfully tender and mild. Wow...I just didn't know what I was missing! Even better, I got to do my cooking nude in the outdoor air of my favorite resort!

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RE: I got brave...


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RE: I got brave...

sounds like a wonderful evening.

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RE: I got brave...

Lamb pichitos - simply the best. Closely followed by chicken, pork, and beef. Can't you tell I not only like to cook but eat too.

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RE: I got brave...

I googled that...and it sounds good. Think I'll make some soon!

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RE: I got brave...

Here is another one for you with Lamb.
Bone out the shoulder and knick the flesh and insert little cloves of garlic. Make a marinade of natural yogury, rosemary, mint and lots more garlic, put the lot in a plastic bag and leave overnight.
Slow cook by having the grill rack high and preferable close the lid. It can work without a lid if you cover with a large piece of foil.
Will take around 40 mins for pink - use a meat thermom at 72 degs to get it just right, and enjoy.

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RE: I got brave...

Here is another one for you with Lamb. Bone out the shoulder and knick the flesh and insert little cloves of garlic. Make a marinade of natural yogury, rosemary, mint and lots more garlic, put the lot in a plastic bag and leave overnight. Slow cook by having the grill rack high and preferable close the lid. It can work without a lid if you cover with a large piece of foil. Will take around 40 mins for pink - use a meat thermom at 72 degs to get it just right, and enjoy.

I've never really cared for lamb, probably because it wasn't prepared right, but this sounds really good, of course anything with lots of garlic has to be good.

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RE: I got brave...

Hi Stever, lamb is an excelent choice for the BBQ as its slightly fattier and so does not dry out as quickly as a steak for example or pork loin. It can be eaten pink as with beef. Further it has a lighter flavour andso can benefit from several spice rubs and marinades.
My favourite way is to bone the leg and make into pinchitos - if you don't like the idea, have your butcher bone it for you.

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