Cute, but curious

Here's an interesting situation I encountered last week for the first timeduring an art college classin 23 years of modeling. The students were studying foreshortening, so I was in a reclining pose and some of the students were position at the end of the posing stand where my head was and some were where my feet were. after the 20 minute pose, I got up, robed and began walking around to stretch and check out how the students did, as I usually do during my breaks. I came upon one of the male student's work and noticed a "smiley face" drawn were my genitals should have been. My experinece with young students is that sometimes they get silly and put funny caption bubbles above my head or position me into some wild locations, such as a bar or deserted island, but this was a first. I admit this young man was sitting directly centered on the pose, about 4 feet away and everything I own was exposed to him. I could have been just too much, although if you check my photo file, you'll see I'm not very "intimidating." ;-)Anyway, I just chuckled and walked away with a smile -- on my face. But this does lead to the question, how many young students avoid capturing the form and shape of male genital in long poses? And are female students more likely to avoid drawing them than male students, or vise-versa?Any comments or viewpoints on this anyone?

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RE: Cute, but curious

I've found that most people draw very sketch outlines for genitals. Even when there is loads of detail for the whole body on long poses, the genitals (and sometimes faces) get the outline treatment.
But I remember when I was a student at design school, one of the girls once drew JUST the penis of the model, full size, on a big piece of paper. Much giggling in the process.

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RE:Cute, but curious

I pose for a life drawing class and enjoy being naked for 3 hours. But today, the girl model did not turn up so I stood in for her. I had not taken the necessary precautions so had an erection for the whole 30 minutes with precum dripping from the tip of my cock! No one cpmplained and our artists faithfull drew my enlarged member!

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RE:Cute, but curious

In my men's naked drawing group, everyone is male and most (not all) of the artists are gay, so there is no aversion to drawing the penis. But I do pose for other groups, and find that sometimes they draw the penis with very tentative, light linework.

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