I don't understand why you would accept or make a friend request from/to someone you've never talked with or have zero chance of meeting and getting to know. Do you go to the mall and call everyone there is your 'friend' because they happen to go to the same place?
I agree with you PAN, I have, for a while now notaccepted any FRIENDS REQUEST that have blank profiles, non nudepics or no pics at all. I have closed my pics to everyone exceptFRIENDSFREINDS ONLY because I feel the people who will notpost pics and nothing more than gaulkers, and stopping them fromviewing them would go a long way to eliminating them from the site.I hear the excuse time and time again that someone might see themand tell others they know, but it they do say anything don't thatput them in a position of being asked how do you know, It prettymuch says that they are looking too and thatwouldintimidatethem too. Just athought.
Much of the problem is they never read your profile before asking
for a friend request...I want genuine nudist friends here so I will
not even accept request that are not certified, blank profiles, no
pic or clothed, and really not had some communication prior and I
am in the process of remove those "friends" that seem to
think that friendships are one sided...I seem to be the one that is
always reaching out to them. having bin on this site now for 4 mouths now I'm
getting a real feel for those who really want to be friends.
Friend: One who is attached to another by affection; one who entertains for
another sentiments of esteem, respect and affection, which lead him to
desire his company, and to seek to promote his happiness and prosperity;
opposed to foe or enemy.
Surely the word that should count is 'friend'! I expect some communication with friends, before I accept and after. I don't see the point in just ticking a box, with no exploration of character, interests and opinions.
After more than five years on the site, my friend number is, and has long been, around 40.