It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow.
I was there all day. It was a good mix of people, maybe a dozen nudists and a few clothed It's was a good mix of young and old. It's been mostly male, and of the four women I've seen only one has been naked. It's was chilly when the sun went behind the clouds, but warm when it came out! Next week it is supposed to be warm and sunny, there should be a lot of people there.
It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow, a little chilly, but suny. After the caucus I am going to head to Howell Park. It has been to long since I have been naked outdoors.
Thursday is supposed to be in the low 70's so I may go to Howell and / or. D-B Park.
It is in Seattle on Lake Washington. You can Google the location on Google maps, it does not have parking so you will have to take a short walk. Check out the listing in Locations on this site, and it has a Wikipedia article too.
I am thinkin maybe next week....
Hi, it's been a while since we met for coffee. I may go to Howell and/or Denny Blaine Park Thursday as it's forecast to be in the low 70's.
How about yourself?
Well, I AM a working boy. Hard to get up to Howell Park on a weekday. The meaty urologists can't make up their minds on the coming weekend.