Colder weather means indoor nudity events

Hello everyone,
Would there be interest in a nude Book Club, Movie Night, Game Night, Video Games, Snacks kinda thing? I could host once in a while, probably but would be good if others could too. I'd like to socialize naked with other gay dudes without there being some implicit sexual agenda. Having an activity to focus around while keeping the nudity secondary could be just the thing, right?
I welcome any input.

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RE: Colder weather means indoor nudity events

The Austin Gay Nudist had tried something similar with a movie night at the president's home. It ran pretty good, but the main organizer for it suffered some health issues and had to leave the club for a while and the other organizer had some Summer trips and there were other unfortunate events... BUT, the group is still going on and we have a social next weekend. It is a non-sexual club and you can register and view the events here:

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RE:Colder weather means indoor nudity events

I hope to be hosting a movie night soon!

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