Will You Be The Next Victim

People are too dependent on mobile/cell phones. Why the hell do you need to have a conversation over the phone with someone whilst driving or walking down the street, unless it is a matter of urgency. 10's of thousands of people are killed or seriously injured every year through this stupidity.

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

It will be very interesting the impact of the power grid going down and with it all those cell phones

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

We are all victims of the 'instant/now' world which we live in.

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

last week as i was pulling up to the mailboxes in my apt. complex a woman nearly walked head on into my truck because she was looking at her phone instead of where she was walking. my truck is not exactly small, and being 13 y.o. doesn't purr like a kitten anymore, so for her not to notice means she was too concerned with her phone.

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

last week as i was pulling up to the mailboxes in my apt. complex a woman nearly walked head on into my truck because she was looking at her phone instead of where she was walking. my truck is not exactly small, and being 13 y.o. doesn't purr like a kitten anymore, so for her not to notice means she was too concerned with her phone.Those are the kind of people who will fall victim of their own inattentiveness.

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

A substantial body of research shows that using a hand-held or hands-free mobile phone while driving is a significant distraction, and substantially increases the risk of the driver crashing.
Drivers who use a mobile phone, whether hand-held or hands-free:

  • are much less aware of what's happening on the road around them

  • fail to see road signs

  • fail to maintain proper lane position and steady speed

  • are more likely to 'tailgate' the vehicle in front

  • react more slowly, take longer to brake and longer to stop

  • are more likely to enter unsafe gaps in traffic

  • feel more stressed and frustrated.

They are also four times more likely to crash, injuring or killing themselves and other people.
Using a hands-free phone while driving does not significantly reduce the risks because the problems are caused mainly by the mental distraction and divided attention of taking part in a phone conversation at the same time as driving.

Source: RoSPA

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

last week as i was pulling up to the mailboxes in my apt. complex a woman nearly walked head on into my truck because she was looking at her phone instead of where she was walking. my truck is not exactly small, and being 13 y.o. doesn't purr like a kitten anymore, so for her not to notice means she was too concerned with her phone.Ours is a lifted flat black and fluorescent green 1992 4wd, cab and a half with a V8 and glasspacks, and it has been walked into at the store several times. How they can't hear a nearly open piped V8 and a clanking torque converter is a bit of a mystery... one I can't figure out. Can't stand cell phones and the like.

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

I use a small dumb phone which doesnt have a camera and with the package from my Telco its cheaper to call than sms . Like I can talk for two minutes for less cost than one SMS mesage. No flag fall charge is a bonus too. Only hassle is the Telco doesn't roam overseas. But its slightly cheaper to call overseas than it is to call locally.

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

Locally last year Verizon who is the main carrier here lost total service for several hours. There are small business's now that don't have a regular land line, homeowners are dropping their land lines left and right, what a mess it was.

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

Because of texting and cell phone use by others while driving, I have started doing something that, in the past, was considered quite rude. When I am behind someone stopped at a red light and the light changes, I give them a "beep" if they don't start moving. Usually their heads pop up and the start moving. There are just too many distracted drivers out there. One time I saw a car waiting for the light to change on a street withthree lanes in his direction and this guy was the last car in his lane. The light changed and everyone moved except this guy. He sat there for the entire green cycle and looked up just in time to see the light change to red when he moved up. Distracted driving is dangerous for everyone.

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RE: Will You Be The Next Victim

More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.

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