RE: Clinton Back In The White House

I believe that we may see a grass roots candidate come along who may not be beholden to the political parties. Unfortunately, that person will not get anywhere unless the grass roots steps up and donates time, talent and treasure to the campaign. The key word here is treasure. Money, big money, buys elections. If the "little" people unite and dig deep we can overcome the big moneyed interests. The important thing is that the "little" people need to stop the rhetoric and start talking with their checkbooks. Personally I have already written a check to one particular candidate and I intend to donate more. I hope others will join me. I will reveal my choice when it is appropriate to do so.It's not money that wins elections in the UK, but the Sun Newspaper. Too many of the poor naive people actually believe the crap vomitting from the pathetic mouths of the political imbeciles.It's no different here in the States. Here the media sets the agenda for the election. The New York Times (All the news that fits), CNN and MSNBC blatantly promote the candidates of their choice. They have a big pulpit and sway a lot of uninformed voters.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

. . Here the media sets the agenda for the election. The New York Times (All the news that fits), CNN and MSNBC blatantly promote the candidates of their choice. They have a big pulpit and sway a lot of uninformed voters.You must be confused. Don't you mean Faux News? Fox News was designed to be a bully pulpit for the Republican Party.
HISTORY LESSON: "But according to a remarkable document buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the "prejudices of network news" and deliver "pro-administration" stories to heartland television viewers. The memocalled, simply enough, "A Plan For Putting the GOP on TV News" is included in a 318-page cache of documents detailing Ailes' work for both the Nixon and George H.W. Bush administrations that we obtained from the Nixon and Bush presidential libraries. Through his firms REA Productions and Ailes Communications, Inc., Ailes served as paid consultant to both presidents in the 1970s and 1990s, offering detailed and shrewd advice ranging from what ties to wear to how to keep the pressure up on Saddam Hussein in the run-up to the first Gulf War."
To read more:

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

I believe that you are missing the main issue in talking about the press and media. The press and media in America have been guaranteed an unusual position by the Constitution of the United States. They have special rights and privileges that other organizations do not have. Along with those rights they have special responsibilities. The press has often been called the 4th branch of government, and for very good reason. There are special checks and balances set up by the Constitution so no one branch can over ride and over rule the other two. The press has the ability, and some say the obligation, to be the peoples' eyes. They can point out any wrongs being done in the government. Theirs' is the ability to investigate these wrongs and to call for government officials to look into matters which do not seem to be proper. Since the founding of this country the press has acted responsibly in pointing out many scandals and wrongdoing by government officials. They have shown the light of truth on many sordid adventures. That is until the present day. Today, the majority of the press have given up their neutral overseer role to the public and has become the cheerleaders for one particular faction of government. I'm not saying that individual news people cannot have their own opinions, but for a free press they should always remain neutral. If they see wrongdoing by anyone at any time, they should point it out and publicize it. Lately, many of these people are contributing to a cover-up. One of the most famous instances of the press doing their job properly was because two reporters and their managers took their responsibilities seriously and broke what is now known as the Watergate Scandal. Those reporters, Woodward and Bernstein were awarded a Pulitzer Prize for their reporting. I believe that today there are are many stories in government where reporters could earn a Pulitzer Prize but they have no interest in doing so. The reason for this is that they are just a part of the problem and have no interest in finding a solution. The so called free press has imprisoned themselves by their own misguided alliances. The free press needs to rid itself of the shackles of their own making.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

There is no good reason to discuss Presidential elections in odd numbered years. Who is you choice in 2028?William James Adams Jr

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

There is no good reason to discuss Presidential elections in odd numbered years. Who is you choice in 2028?William James Adams JrWill i Am?

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

I'll be voting for Bernie Sanders if he's still in the race by the time my state's primary comes around as a protest vote (which I believe is early next year), but I'll absolutely support Hillary for the general.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

There is no good reason to discuss Presidential elections in odd numbered years. Who is you choice in 2028?William James Adams JrWill i Am?.Yes, I believe he would be ideal for the job. He is very genuine and far less open to corruption than most of the others.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

Sounds good to me.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

I'll be voting for Bernie Sanders if he's still in the race by the time my state's primary comes around as a protest vote (which I believe is early next year), but I'll absolutely support Hillary for the general.Ahhh,,,the protest vote; a proud proclamation of one's futility.
I find it remarkable that those most vulnerable to the schemes of the liberals are their most strident supporters.What "futility?" I vote for the candidate whose views are better aligned with my own; not for the candidate that's inevitable. But there is no way in hell I'm voting for a spoiler in the general.
Snippy today, I see.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

Aha, read some of your posting history. Paranoid, angry teabagger, I takes it. So I'll be blocking and basically ignoring you, then.

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