RE: Longest time spent nude

Three weeks. At Cap d'Agde in France, many years ago, when it was still a true naturist center, and not a hangout for swingers.

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RE: Longest time spent nude

Maybe you could just go camping somewhere remote, where you would be less likely to encounter any textiles to encroach on your camping experience.That's what I've tended to do. I grew up in a place that was, to put it mildly, sparsely populated, so it was camping in crazy heat that turned me toward a life of nudity, haha. And that's still where I feel most comfortable. I'm planning to try a club with a camping area, like you mentioned. There are a fair number around here; they're tiny compared to the kind of camping experience I'm used to, but have pools and more humans than wildlife.
The thing with back woods camping is that clothes come in handy as protection from the elements. So going for a few consecutive days without clothes is impractical, as long as I'm pushing through old over-grown trails. I've tried it and have comical stories about how poorly it turned out...

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RE: Longest time spent nude

So going for a few consecutive days without clothes is impractical, as long as I'm pushing through old over-grown trails. I've tried it and have comical stories about how poorly it turned out...Care to relate some of these stories to us? I'm sure some of us appreciate comical stories, especially if it relates to nudism.

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RE: Longest time spent nude

There MUST be others out there with some times to present as to how long you have been naked in one long period. Surely this can't be everybody.

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RE: Longest time spent nude

Care to relate some of these stories to us? I'm sure some of us appreciate comical stories, especially if it relates to nudism.

Haha, it's only comical in the accidental object to the groin way. Cause you need at least one hand to break trail, meaning you only have one hand max to protect the delicate bits. So, what do you guard? Eyes? Nipples? Crotch? Every time I've tried to break trail naked I've stopped dead and put shorts and a shirt on after getting a sharp branch or pine bough to the crotch, nipples, or face. And being behind someone
else doesn't help. Sure, they're taking the brunt of it, but they're also bending the forest forward to thwack back against you.
It kinda kills the great feeling of being naked, and that whole marvelling at the majesty of nature thing when some spruce branch comes flying off the person in front of you like a spring door stopper aimed right at
your nethers. :)
That said, when I find myself in some old growth forest where the trees have had time to suppress the undergrowth that's a whole different story. Or some beautiful old pine forest where the only undergrowth is ferns and reindeer moss...

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RE: Longest time spent nude

And being behind someone else doesn't help. Sure, they're taking the brunt of it, but they're also bending the forest forward to thwack back against you.It kinda kills the great feeling of being naked, and that whole marvelling at the majesty of nature thing when some spruce branch comes flying off the person in front of you like a spring door stopper aimed right at your nethers. :).

Maybe you should try walking a little farther behind the person ahead of you to give the branches time to swing back and quit moving before you push through them yourself. If it's an area you plan to return to in the future, then take a machete and trim off some of them as you go, so as to open up the trail better for return trips.

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RE: Longest time spent nude

What is the longest time you have spent nude in a continuous period? Putting on shorts, shirt, robe etc., stops the clock for this. So from the time you first got nude until you put something on. Footwear won't count for this, as well as a hat if you need one. For me it has been 217 hours straight, that's a little over 9 days. I got nude at 10:45 on a Friday morning and didn't put anything on until 1:45 PM the following Sunday, more than a week later.I did wear a cap sometimes when out in the sun to shade my eyes, and flip flops when walking over gravel surfaces. Other than thatall I may have had on was some sun tan oil. So what is YOUR personal best longest time nude?10 days...liketotallynude including bare feet.

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RE: Longest time spent nude

Bumpity bump bump.

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RE: Longest time spent nude

Somewhere around 60 hours. We spend several weeks at a resort but the wife always wants to go out to eat every few days...which is OK, but those few hours dressed makes me appreciate getting nude again!

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RE: Longest time spent nude

For me it was one week while at Hedo II in Jamaica. I had a great time!

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