RE: Single males

Let's do it the nudist way...
All single men. Where are the women????
Behind the camera of course LOL!
Thats what happen when you hang out all the time IN TH MENS ROOM!

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RE: Single males

LOL! Nicky, there are two of them swimming in the water, afraid to get out because of all those "evil" single males amassed at the shore line!



(Giving you a wink, just 'cause I know how much you love the little smiley faces)

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RE: Single males

LOL! Nicky, there are two of them swimming in the water, afraid to get out because of all those "evil" single males amassed at the shore line!
Lordy, Lordy....If I had that bunch standing on the shore whilst I was in the water...I would be out of that water and hitting the shore so fast you would think that JAWS was a snapping at my beeeeeehind!!!!!!

This shows that the men are not so evil.

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RE: Single males

If some of the rude people could get a cyber punch in the nose for their behavior, they might behave better.

good one...

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RE: Single males

As I understand it Curt, it all comes down to the following... 1) The messages appear to be against single males but the underlying purpose is to deter anybody who appears untrustworthy.
There's only one part you overlook, but you haven't been here long enough yet.
When these poor souls are inundated with requests from so many purporting to be single males, hundreds per day, the work figuring out which is the needle and which are merely the haystack can be overwhelming.
When being attacked by a mob, one doesn't try to figure out which individual might be OK. One slams the door, and sort it out later.
My quarel is not with those who would request "no single males" but with those who make the tag necessary !
Those morons have not only created a bad rap for themselves, but for me as well, which I do not deserve. THAT is what *I* object to !
Though I don't know, it's probably the same reason for "private" profiles available ONLY to already approved friends.
The reason I will not address your points is because I have already done that. Post #112 clearly discusses the problem of receiving too many requests from strangers. Post #118 clearly states that I do not expect people to put down their guard and just face the hundreds of requests. Post #125 refers back to 112 andrepeats the point that anybody can send out their underlying message without pointinga finger at only one gender. So not only did I not overlook this point, but I talkedabout it repeatedly. Please read my posts thoroughly. Don'tjust read the beginning and argue against it.
I'm gonna divide the single men into different categories.
1) There's one group of single men who have been here for a long time and have made themselves known, so there are no problems there.
2) There's a large group of single men who send out friend requests without getting to know the person first.Beforecondemning them, keep in mind that not all of them have a bad reason.For example, when I first joined, I did the same thing. I sent out friend requests and then began talking to those who accepted it. This was never an issue inother networks. But I can see now that way too many peoplehere are notcomfortable with that, so I realize that I should change that approach. Let me emphasize that I KNOW that the recipient of these requests cannot sort out what their intention was, I'm just saying that I do notcondemn them for giving us a bad image, because we don't know why they did it. For those who are reading and thinking, "That doesn't matter, we have to close the flood gates, we can't get inundated with requests" JUST CONTINUE READING, I WILL GET TO THAT POINT, even though I did before.
3) Finally, there's that group of guys who have made themselves known, but in a negative way. I don't what they did, but I can tell that they either said or did something bad to some of the women or couples on here. These guys do deserve to be condemned. And more importantly, they should be held accountable for whatever they did. But there is no excuse to hold all single males accountable for their actions. Everybody here, man, woman, couple, has to be held accountable for their ownactions.That means both the perpetrators and victims of harrassment must be accountable for their own actions. Thoseguys are guilty of harrassment, disrespect, or whatever it was that they did. But they did not make the No Single Males statement necessary.
Why? Because thereis another alternative.I will not repeat it again, just refer back to #112 or#125. It is completely unacceptable for a man to come here and harrass the women or couples. But itis also completely unacceptable to put all men into one category.I agree that we need to be compassionate with those who are overwhelmed with friend requests and with those who suffered a bad experience. But compassion is not a blank check. Just because somebody is a victim does not mean that they can approach their problem however they want. Using discrimination to prevent harrassment is NOT a solution. It's only creating a new problem. Harrassment is one wrong. Discrimination is another. Just because there'sc a reason for it does not mean it's right.
I am not trying to quarrel with those who put up the No Single Males. I'm trying to appeal to them that there is a better way to do it.Nobody made No Single Males necessary, it was adecision thatwas madeby some women and couples.Just read the posts that I have referred to above. Iknow that my suggestion inthose posts is nota hypothesis, there are people who actually do it. If you'd rather here from somebody with more experience, readJackieinoz's posts #116 and #134. This is the testimony of a woman who did have bad experiences and DID NOT find it necessary to point strictly atsingle males.

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RE: Single males

Hi Ed. Jackie got that quote from GOE. It is in Post #122. Thank you, I think it is a great quote. It came straight from the heart. Isaid in my post because it's what I believe in. If you read Post #122, you will see that I was responding to your quote and I was engaging you in a polite discussion,not an argument,because you were polite to me...until now.
I have repeatedly mentioned a compromise that works for everybody, which to me sounds constructive. Other people are continuing to explain what their situation isafter I have offered a solution that can work for all, males, females, and couples...but apparently I'm the one who is arguing for the sake of arguing.

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RE: Single males

This thread started having almost nothing to do with this site.
Having more to do with resorts, and the "discrimination" that takes place there, and why that might be.
Apparently, there are resorts that blindly discriminate against single males.
I've heard that the resorts that I've freely visited do such, but I haven't seen it
It's apparently an attempt ( misguided though it may be ) to maintain some kind of gender balance.
From what I see, this site is about 15:1 male/female, while the resorts I've been to are closer to 2:1.
Either way, nudism is a rather obviously male dominated "activity."
Methinks we can all agree that blatant discrimination, prejudice, is wrong.
The way I see it, there are but two things we CAN do about it.
1. Accept that it does exist, for whatever reason.
2. Show up, and prove them WRONG by our actions.

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RE: Single males

Curt, I think we are mostly in agreement. I also agree with you that as single males, there is little more that we can do. The only other option left is to talk to the people who do it, which hopefully this thread can accomplish...explain to the ones that do the discrimination why it is wrong. But there is something that other people can do. They can accept that there is a better way to accomplish their goals, because as you and I and many others who posted here are in agreement, this is wrong. I do agree that when any group of people is discriminated against, they should do something about it, not just sit around and hope that it will stop. But that does not absolve the people who do the discrimination from any responsibility.
Thanks for posting NudeInMa

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RE: Single males

As I said way back in post #15, I have found that resorts accept me, if I show them my AANR card. In addition, some other posters have mentioned that our behavior should be how we are judged. You can still have fun by watching your actions.

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RE: Single males

It is not just the single males that are discriminated against, but also the males over 35. Once they see that age younger people immediately say oh no, he is a perv or devient or troll.... Get real people. We were nudists before you even knew what it meant. And then we wonder why the world is in the shape it is in.

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