An Incident

On Thursday I did my housework, naked as usual. It was washing day and I hung the washing out to dry. Well the wind caught the douvet cover and blew it away. I had to go hunting for it and I was naked. Fortunatly it didn't go far and (more important) didn't land in anything dirty. I think that was a close call. Have you had any mishaps like that whilst you were naked?

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RE: An Incident

I would say the scariest time I ever had nude was when I was driving home nude one day from my vacation home in the Berkshires and I was driving down the Taconic State Parkway which is twisty and hilly. It was raining pretty good and dark, about 9 PM, when I came into a curve and the suburban ended up hydro-planning right into the guardrail between my and the traffic coming the opposite direction. I stayed cool and took my foot off gas, the car saddened got traction and turned hard to the right, the rear broke lose and was now heading for that guardrail as I turned the wheel the back into the turn and then the rear got traction and went forward and nor started to break the other way. I swerved two or three times before I got it all back under control and didn't hit anyone or thing thankfully. Luckily when it happened I was between two different groups of traffic and had the room. In any case, had I crashed, getting clothes back on, at least shorts that were close by, might have been impossible and been a problem.

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RE: An Incident

I've been seen by the neighbors while shaking out the small throw rugs out in the backyard. I locked myself out of the house we lived in prior to this house. I was doing some housework, laundry and took some small rugs out to air dry on the patio and I closed the door and didn't realize it was locked. I was locked out and had to get to the front door where the "hide a key" was hidden. I had to jump the wall and in doing so, I injured myself. I was able to get inside but had a pretty nasty cut on my foot. I hindsight, I should have just walked out the man gate, walked to the front door, got the key and gone inside.
As it turned out, the neighbors all knew of our nudist life and those with two story home across the street saw us out back all the time and thought it was great. One female neighbor came to say goodbye when we were moving. She said, "I'm really sad you're moving for many reasons but one of them is that I'll miss the naked show you put on for me when you do yard work in the backyard." I said ... "you never said anything about seeing me/us." She said ... " I didn't want to embarrass you." ;-)

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