Driving while naked

Surprised nobody has mentioned it. I'm often naked while driving, but have a hand towel close by at all times. On occasions I have give hitch hikers lifts. They are somewhat surprised at first, but more than one has seen the light (so to speak) and stripped off alongside me. It makes the drive more interesting.

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RE: Driving while naked


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RE: Driving while naked

I would have thought many people have already thought about and discussed driving naked on this forum.
Like the 467 people who have posted on the threadDriving in the Nude. I thought driving nude was the same as driving naked.

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RE: Driving while naked

I wouldn't brag that a hand towel isALL you need to cover up.

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RE: Driving while naked

i'm surprised he knows how to read. if he could read he would see that this very topic is two down on the list.

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RE: Driving while naked

Maybe he's had too much Mersey Mist.

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RE: Driving while naked

Mersey Mist? Whasdat??

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RE: Driving while naked

It's a beer.

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RE: Driving while naked

OK. I'll drink to that.

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RE: Driving while naked

Good to be able to do it in the country, but I wouldnt risk in town!

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RE: Driving while naked

Good to be able to do it in the country, but I wouldnt risk in town!Yea, I agree with that one, although in this country, there is actually no laws about going naked provided there are no sexual motives, but the general public doesn't see it that way unfortunately.

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