Free massage

I am studying massage and need more hands on experience. So if you would like a free relaxing massage get in touch with me. I live in Melbourne but can travel as necessary. Hope to hear from you soon. Irish.

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RE: Free massage

Hi - I am in Kilsyth and work as a Remedial Massage Therapist. I have a Diploma of Massage and other certificates. If you want some tips, we could do a swap sometime.Colin

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RE: Free massage

help to help you rack up your hours!!

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RE: Free massage

I am studying massage and need more hands on experience. So if you would like a free relaxing massage get in touch with me. I live in Melbourne but can travel as necessary. Hope to hear from you soon. Irish.I'd love one :)

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RE: Free massage

I am studying massage and need more hands on experience. So if you would like a free relaxing massage get in touch with me. I live in Melbourne but can travel as necessary. Hope to hear from you soon. Irish.Would love a massage.Where are you located roughly?

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RE: Free massage

I am studying massage and need more hands on experience. So if you would like a free relaxing massage get in touch with me. I live in Melbourne but can travel as necessary. Hope to hear from you soon. Irish.G'day I'm a Victorian, and I'm always getting remedial massage, but I haven't had one for a while now as my therapist is currently pregnant.
How are u going with the massage course?Are u still doing it??

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RE: Free massage

I coming down to melbourne on the 15th march would love a free massage swap in my apartment...

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