Nudist or Naturist

Nudist or Naturist ar two terms that seem to mean about the same thing, or do they? Which term do you prefer and why?

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RE: Nudist or Naturist

Good point jj. I consider myself a nudist because I like the convience of landed and travel clubs. I think of naturist as those who go to nude beaches and hiking/camping i the woods.

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nudist or naturist

I like to be called a naturist. But very few know what that means. I think nudist is someone who goes to resorts. Not into nature like some.

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RE: nudist or naturist

Valiant, I think we agree in the distingtion between the two terms. I wish I was more of an outdoors type, but fishing bores me, probably because I have rarely caught a fish, and only one that was big enough to keep. I have no interests in hunting at all. I used to like a good hike but I need to build up my legs again. I have done my share of camping but always in controlled environments.

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RE: nudist or naturist

Most Club's use Naturists while most Resorts use Nudist. If we are nude in the house we are Nudists? if we are nude ouside in our retreat here we are Naturists. I just tell them I collect butter flies

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RE: Nudist or Naturist

I consider myself a nudist, as I prefer to be nude when possible and I don't relate this to any natural thing. I'm just the opposite of a textile, and I guess this means that the nude lifestyle is practiced by nudists.

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RE: Nudist or Naturist

I go with nudist...I justenjoy being without clothes. My norm is just a loose fitting t-shirt or nothing at all when at home. Love all clothing optional beaches and resorts.

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RE: Nudist or Naturist

I use the words interchangeably because to me they mean the same.

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RE: Nudist or Naturist

There is really no difference in the terminology. Because no one can agree on the parsing of the two. You never know what the other person means. Therefore, a difference in meaning does not practically exist. If the terms are used interchangeably in the culture than in any practical sense there is no difference in their meanings.

That being said, I do think there are two kinds of nudists/naturists. For one the nudity is the 'subject of the day'. They go out of their way to be nude and look for others to be nude with. The nudity is the discussion and the point of existance. They go to nude resorts so that they can be nude. Nakedness is more of an activity than a lifestyle.

The other one likes to live naked. They like to do things in a free state. The thing they are doing is the point of attention. Its just better done nude. They prefer not to wear clothes as they live their lives. They do not go somewhere to be nude. But, rather go somewhere to do something interesting and will do it naked if possible. Nakedness is more of a lifestyle than an activity.

In my mind only, I call the first nudists and the second naturists. In my mind being natural, being out in nature, being a 'greenee', or not being unnatural is irrelevant. That is a separate ideation.

I am a naturist. I like doing the things in my life naked. I do farm work naked. I kayak on the lake naked. I roam the house doing all my usual things naked. I've been to a resort only once. It was convenient to a function I was attending and I could relax naked. I am comfortable in only my skin and I don't care who sees me naked (provided they are comfortable with the situation). But I don't proclaim "lets be naked".


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RE: Nudist or Naturist

I prefer nudist because if you tell some folks your a naturist they think naturalist and think your about birds, butterflies and trees which is ok because i am about that to but when referring to enjoy being nude i will stick with nudist.

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RE: Nudist or Naturist

I'm a nudist. I think the term "naturist" is a bit twee. I like to think of myself as naked. Yes it's very natural but it's also very open and just a little vulnerable. Quite often I'm on my own on a beach. As I go into the water for a dip I leave my posessions and all my clothes on the beach. I have to trust everyone not to take them. They never do.

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