is it ok to ask for a nude massage

i have been getting massages for a few years now and hate having a covering on me. when the massage therapist pulls the covering down to expose my back i help them and usually pull it down past my butt and tell them that its not necessary to cover it up because i am a nudist and enjoy to be naked. some keep it down and some others still pull it up a little bit. with this being said i personally hate having it on and would much rather just have a fully nude massage but i dont ever want to upset the massage therapist. therefore, is it ok to ask for a nude massage and if so what is the best way to go about this with out upsetting anyone and causing problems?

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RE: is it ok to ask for a nude massage

It is tricky, as a therapist I give clients flexiblity re towels, underwear. Having worked here and Germany - there is the whole range of what people would like. I suspect that ringing up and asking if therapist insists on towels will make them suspicious of your intentions (unfortunate, but that is the way it is). My suggestion - find a good therapist first and go there a few times before gently bringing up the subject. If they say no - don't push it. You still have a good therapist.
Hope that helps

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RE: is it ok to ask for a nude massage

I am a massage therapist in Texas and it is legal to give massages to a nude client, but it is not legal everywhere. I often give nude massages, but it depends a great deal on how it is approached. Where I work in the mornings requires drapping, so I follow the rules. When I do out-calls, I offer a choice to the clients (i.e., Full drapping, a towel, or nude). Most of my clients opt to be nude. Many therapist prefer the client to be nude as well because we can give a better massage with longer more relaxing strokes and smoother transitions when we do not have to keep moving the drapping. When people call me and start asking to be "nude" (they often use other words), I am careful because they are sometimes asking for sex, so depending on how it is asked I say yes or no. Just check the laws where you are, and ask politely before a massage. Since you are a nudist, let them know that and that you also respect them if they are not.

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RE: is it ok to ask for a nude massage

Some professional massage associations require draping during massage and have a strict code of conduct. However some therapists will igmore this is they think the client wont complain and that's what the client wants.

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RE: is it ok to ask for a nude massage

The most import thing is respect. As a masseur it is easier to work without clothes and towels. The client needs to feel warm, comfortable and welcome.

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RE: chicago blonde

tall lean chicago looking for fit men/ women/couples to share massage with. I am cute, smooth and clean and i search for the same.Go for it; If done by a Professional Masseur, or Massuse, you will learn a lot, and enjoy. John.

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RE: is it ok to ask for a nude massage

I am a Massage Therapist in Sydney Australia. I find most men prefer not to be covered during the massage. It just feels better. With new clients I always ask, before I start to massage, if they would like to covered or not? I am happy with whateverway they feelcomfortable. I do find I give a better more flowing massage if I don't have to be moving towels around. If you prefer not to be covered just ask the masseur if he is happy with that. You will find most masseurs will just give you a straight answer. The best massages I have are when I swap massages with other nudist masseurs. We both work stripped and it just feels rightBrill. you got it. John.

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RE: is it ok to ask for a nude massage

Sure it's okay to "ask" for a nude massage ... but I've found that the best way is to build a bond between you and your therapist. We've had that type of bond with a couple of massage therapists and after a year with them, they we as comfortable with us being naked during a massage session as we were. One therapist even "broke the rules" at a salon and sort of dispensed with the draping mid way through the session. She would bend me like a pretzel and the sheet and blanket would get caught up and so she'd just move it to one side and I'd be laying there completely uncovered. When we started with her, she said ... "you can leave your underwear on if you prefer but to get the full effect of the massage, it's better if you're naked so that I can maintain contact with your skin from head to toe. She didn't have to tell me twice. Our new therapist, that comes to the house, is equally as comfortable with nudity but we've not built that trust, yet, where she will dispense with the draping. She comes tomorrow and we'll be talking a bit more about nudism and hopefully she'll get on board soon and just do without the draping. Save her some laundry ... from me anyway! LOL

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RE: is it ok to ask for a nude massage

My massage therapist is a nudist and I had no need to ask for a nude massage ever. It's great and easy, there was never a problem.

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RE: is it ok to ask for a nude massage

It is tricky, as a therapist I give clients flexiblity re towels, underwear. Having worked here and Germany - there is the whole range of what people would like. I suspect that ringing up and asking if therapist insists on towels will make them suspicious of your intentions (unfortunate, but that is the way it is). My suggestion - find a good therapist first and go there a few times before gently bringing up the subject. If they say no - don't push it. You still have a good therapist.Hope that helpsI am massage therapist and nudist so my clients have the option of being Naked and uncovered. I agree with bareisbest first of all look for a good therapist and you will see if he ir she is comfortable if you are naked and uncovered

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RE: is it ok to ask for a nude massage

never had a problem with massures requiring towels ..... they normally just remove it once you are on table

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