RE: Foreskin Regeneration Petition

OK OK so this young man wants to restore his penis fine but I think the topic would have been better off in the sex and sexuality forum and NOT in the general discussion forum. Next time please post your messages into the correct forum and there should not be less negative replies (unless it's a really perverted subject or offensive subject line). However foreskin restoration really has nothing to do with the nudist lifestyle but then again we do have that forum topic listed so it should have been written there.
NinM please keep sending your replies in any and all forums they are truly educational and very honest. To hell with the naysayers for the lack of brain matter in which they posses.

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RE: Foreskin Regeneration Petition

There are people here who are incapable of just saying, "No".

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RE: Foreskin Regeneration Petition

A simple...No, I won't be signing your petition!!....would have done nicely
And you quoted two entire posts for that one-line, "I'm simple, don't confuse me!" response. You're not ready for the big leagues.
Well bud..if name calling, being rude and belittling others on True Nudists is called the Big Leagues, have at it! You're right...I'll never be ready!!

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RE: Foreskin Regeneration Petition

The Golden Rule is one of the world's most widespread moral philosophies. It's also the basis of a series of quotes so often misquoted as to make misquotes irreverent. Socrates may have never said, "Do unto others as you would like done unto you," but he did say something to the effect of, "Do not do unto others what angers you if done to you by others." This translation scores few points in eloquence, but the bottom line is that Socrates, Confucius or Jesus could all be attributed with stating the Golden Rule in one version or another, and it serves as the moral basis for religion and philosophy the world over. The Golden Rule is so pervasive that many modern ethicists think it represents some fundamental truth of human morality. Adherence to the rule necessitates empathy and imagination, as it requires one person to imagine how another person would feel in a given situation. So whoever said which version, the essence remains the same: Treat people how you want to be treated. ...............................................Variations On The Golden Rule A comprehensive list of Golden Rule quotes would be epic in length, but here are some examples: "He sought for others the good he desired for himself. Let him pass," from the Egyptian Book Of the Dead; "And as you wish that men would do for you, so do them," from The Bible; "What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man. This is the entire law; All the rest is commentary," from Talmud; "This is the sum of duty: Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you," from the Mahabharata; and finally, to mix it up with some imagery, the proverb of Nigeria's Yoruba tribe: "One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to feel how it hurts." -Copied From: The Book Of Myths & Misconceptions
This is interesting. I'll have to read more of that book. You seem to have more knowledge on morality than everyone here. That is right. we should respect my golden rule and what i post. I'm only asking for people to support me if they want and I only express my opinion. You do not have to agree.

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