Speaking of easy dishes...

This just came to me last night, and worked out great!
--bacon wrapped boneless chicken breasts, baked seasoned with A LITTLE salt and pepper
--fresh broccali from my garden, sauteed in a little olive oil
--a salsa made with corn, cilantro, purple onion, olive oil, juice of a lime, and a little salt and pepper
All in all, very enjoyable!

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an easy breakfast

for one or two
1-2 russet potatoes
1tbls of salted butter,plus more if you want it
half an onion of your choice
2 eggs
fresh dill
chile flakes

put a nonstick pan over medium heat and put half of butter in pan. peel and cut potatoes into 1/4 in. cubes and thinly slice the onions. place potatoes and onions in pan, add salt, pepper, and chile flake as you like and sautee' for 10-12 min. depending on your stovetop. finally, finely slice some fresh dill and sprinkle over potatoes and onions when almost done, depan. Next, place other half of butter in pan and tilt forward, add both eggs and whatever seasonings you like. and cook for 4-5 min. flipping egg inbetween. Note:try not to break the yolks.when they're done, put potatoes and onions in a bowl and place eggs on top of them. You may add cheese or whatever else you like at this point. EAT.

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RE: an easy breakfast

Sounds good!

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RE:an easy breakfast

Good share thanks

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