Comfortable in my own skin
Hi Maggie here. Although I don't go nude in public, hard to do in my asian country but I still go nude in the confines of my home. I work and clean the house better when I am nude. I think its the way we were meant to be. No bras or panties or skirts to hamper our movements. So I just like to say "Hi" and share. BTW I am 19.
Very well said, and welcome to the site. I think accepting yourself in your own skin is the first step to being able to accept others in theirs, being able to accept yourself (mind, body, and soul) istrulya freeingexperience!!!!
Post says you are 19, profile says 33. HMMM!
Probably a different way of statingbirth-datein numerals as is normal on this site. Some countries use month-day-year, others day-month-year and some even year-month day. One of these likely shows 19 as 33.
Welcome Maggie to a great site with lots of friendly and helpful people.
Yeah. My profile says 33, that's why I cleared it up in my first posting. I didn't really think much about age. Anyways...,sorry for the confusion. LOL. Skin is really lovely, I still remember when my skin were baby soft and creamy. Sigh..... getting older.
Yeah. My profile says 33, that's why I cleared it up in my first posting. I didn't really think much about age. Anyways...,sorry for the confusion. LOL. Skin is really lovely, I still remember when my skin were baby soft and creamy. Sigh..... getting older.
Maggie, If you take care of your skin, you can remain with smooth, clear skin. I do not go out into the sun w/o sunscreen. I do not lay out as that will have your skin looking like leather by the time you're 40. Having good genes helps too (I thank my mom for hers).
I have been comfortable in my own skin forever!! Having been a nudist since I was a kid. Had to do it on my own as my parents would not have approved of it. My late wife was never comfortable in her own skin, and would not ever give it a chance.