Daring Nudists!!

naked gardening in the front yard

Today is a very pleasant weather day here in Indiana. Just the right temp, low humidity and a light breeze. The key to this afternoon's naked gardening was the very light breeze. I had remembered to get some Round UP extended weed control and...

Home nudist in headllights

Was out this morning about 4:00 am. Walked to the curb and a car up the street stopped (there's a stop sign posted). I was putting out the trash collection. I am certain the driver saw me. I walked back the way I'm came & into my garage....


Have noticed that some true & real nudists here accept FR from anybody, no matter blank profiles, no matter nude pictures (even all clothed pictures or no pictures at all), and no matter inappropriate comments. This only contributes to further...


I am out nude around 3:30 am - 4:45 am -- & lonely for another nudist.

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Nudist Walker in Springfield Missouri

Have you done any walking nude in Springfield? Where & when? I do mine almost daily 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm along a Greenway section between Mt. Vernon St & Grand St., just west of Kansas Expressway. Entrance/exit on Mt. Vernon across from Connelly...

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Hey, my name is Diego and I am 18yo. Add me on SNAPCHAT: diegoalejorm Also I have a nudist group on WHATSAPP. Write me +573204541069 SKYPE diegoabogota

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Garbage Day

This morning woke up early (not planned) and decided I might as well put the garbage on the curb. Since it wasearly (4am) I chose not to put anything on except my sandals. Not sure if anyone saw me or not, but if the people across the street check...

Repairing the guttering.

Today I finally got the guttering fixed and as it is only a bungalow it didn't need a step ladder but I needed to work on the corner which was in most view of the road and the bungalow is about 5 feet + higher than the road it was in full view....

Nudist Walker in Springfield Missouri

Despite the rain today, I'll be walking nude between 12:30pm & 2:00 pm today, Sunday.

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