New Mexico Nudists

Balloon Fiesta 2016

Hi, I will be coming to theBalloon Fiesta 2016 from 9/30 - 10/8. Hoping to meet a few other nudists. Looking forward to some New Mexico Green Chili. I'll be staying at a nude B&B. Mr Bill


Anyone know what is happening with the Roadrunners non-land club. Here they had a split amonst the members.

New to group

Hi all, I'm new to the group. Looks like it isn't very active. I hope that changes. I'd like to meet some people here. I'm near Santa Fe.

New to group

Hello New Mexico! Gay married couple here wanting to meet new friends

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Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad to all the NM nudidtd and us would and will be NM nudists soon.

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