Iowa Nude Artists and Models

free video course

I found a free online video course on called "Figure Drawing from Life using the Reilly Technique" I have not had time to see it yet but with a blizzard on the way that may change. If anyone elsetakes this courseplease let me...

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Favorite type of medium

What do you like you like to work with most? I prefer sculpture and photography, but I would like to try painting.

modeling for artist

Is anybody in the group modeling for artists? I have been getting the bug to sculpt lately and I need a model.

art festivals

The Newton Sculpture festival is coming up June 15 &16 And the Des Moines Art Festival is May 10 (google them for details)


What kind of photography workshops would anybody be interested in having?

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Iowa Sculpture Festival

I would like to encourage everyone to check out the Iowa Sculpture Festival In Newton. The festival will be the 2nd weekend in June. Google it to get the specific information and see photos of past festivals. It's a good place to see art and...

Interested in a group that meets?

Is anybody interested in a nude artist/model group that meets to draw or sculpt?

Places for working on Art

Two places I have gone to work with nude models are the Octagon in Ames and the McNider in Mason City. What other places are good for artists and models to work together in Iowa?

your first time

How did you become interested in posing for art work? Tell us about your first time.

Models preference

It seems to me that models prefer to pose for groups rather than individual artists, is this true? As anartist I find this frustrating since I never seem to get to pick the pose when working in a group.W hat do you think?

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