Iowa Nude Artists and Models

wish I could paint like this I really wish I could paint like this guy.

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East Coast Awareness Method

Has anybody heard of the East Coast Awareness Method of art where both the artists and models are nude? I went to a drawing group where the instructor was always throwing this name around. Yes everybody was nude and it was great, but I have never...

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recommended web site

I would like to recommend the website Does anybody have other websites on art to recommend?

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Merry Christmas

I just want to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody.

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looking for art classes

I have never had much luck talking people into posing for my art, so I have relied on taking art classes where a model was provided. But recently all the places that used to have art classes now have "craft" classes. Does anybody know of...

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Newton sculpture festival

Next weekend is the Newton sculpture festival. It's a good place to see sculptures and meet the artists. A good time for both artists and models. I plan to go.

nude drawing workshop

I've been kicking around the idea of having a nude figure drawing workshop some Saturday this fall/winter in Des moines or Ames area. Is anyboy interested? It would be the "east coast awareness method" that means nude models and...

nude art in Iowa

I see more and more sculpture being displayed in public in Iowa. How about we document the public nude art in Iowa? If you see a nude sculpture or painting in a public place (in Iowa) Take its picture and then post it here and tell us where it is. I...

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free online drawing course

I am watching a free figure drawing course on about the Reilly technique of figure drawing. I would like to recommend it to our members. Please let me know what you think of it.

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