Adult Circumcision

Frenulum, Needed or Not?

The word frenulum on its own is often used for the frenulum of prepuce of penis, which is an elastic band of tissue under the penis glads that connects to the foreskin which helps contract theforeskin over the glans. The frenulum is also called and...

recent circumcision

A friend of my has just had a circumcision[split welly] he's in his mid 50's he got a bit of ribbing off his mates lo l he say's his wife loves it,when i laughed he told me i should get it done ,i replied" you can't do it twice...

A UK adult circ

I'm in the UK, and was circumcised 18 months ago at my own choice. It was purely a cosmetic thing: I have always preferred the look of the circumcised penis, both on me and on other men. When naked, I always made sure my foreskin was pulled...


i am new to the group and am circumcised. it was the now thing to do back in the 50's when i was born unless otherwise stated by the parents. i do thin the uncut penis looks more natural and put together. glad they are leaving the decision to...

Circumcision information/discussion sites

Hi I was wondering if anyone knows of any other sites than here , and that are about circumcision worth checking out?

Circ styles

I go on a circumcision chat site,i never knew there was so many different circ styles.I cut high but not too tight,others cut high but tight,others low but tight ,then the issue of Fren removal. A few of the tight cut guys complain that they lose...


Smegma,just the name sounds disgusting, well at least we circumcised boys dont suffer from it,i like the way my Glands look nice and clean and polished.I read somewhere that as males get older the odour gets even stronger ,how gross must that be for...


Has anyone influenced another man to get circumcised - either through chatting or because they saw yours? Also, what influenced you to get circumcised (if it was not medically required)? In my case it was the cut lads at school in showers. I just...


Hello , I am thinking of getting a circumcision due to a tight foreskin(which tears durning sex )Bit put of by some of the bad things I have read online about circumcision. If you had it done where would you recommend getting it done ? Has anyone...