Nude Presence - Religious, Spiritual, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, New Thought

Sunday Fellowships

We do live fellowships on Facebook every Sunday at 10:00 am central time (US). Our Easter 2023 fellowship from Sunday, April 9, 2023, is now available on our Vimeo and YouTube channels. Our hope and prayer is that this celebration of Christ raising...

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Lust...What is it? What do you think about...

I have been chatting with a person concerning the topic of lust. I am interested in knowing what you all consider lust? When does something move from the category of "appreciation" into the category of "lust." Is lust bad?

Who told you to be ashamed?

Saw this the other day and I agree with it whole-heartedly!


Hello everyone. At home nudist and very spiritual here. I identify as Christian with a big blanket of naturist thrown over it. I would love to actually connect with other like-minded individuals. Thanks and God Bless!

Join nudist chat

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Nudist aus Deutschland auf der Suche

suche reifere Priester in Deutschland denen ich mich anvertrauen kann

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hello/ peace/blessings/namaste to all

hello and namaste-peace-blessings to all thank you

Catholic here

I'm a Catholic and enthusiast about nudism. Here's my link so many more of you will sign my nudist petitions:

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Faithful to the Truth by Stephen Lovatt

he's a british catholic gay author who defends same-sex marriage from a traditionalist catholic perspective. this is where you can buy his...


I have been a christian for about as l;ong as I have been a naturist. I first met the Lord Jesus at a youth convention in Capernwray in Cumbertand. in the late 60s. I am still active in my local church and will continue to be so.