Formula 1 Nudists

2023 Season

With the season about to start - who's going to win it this year?

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F1 2021

Looks as though this group has been quiet for some time. The start of a new F1 season, and many of us still in lockdown seems as good as any reason, to see how many members are still active. Anyone been watching the Testing this weekend?

HELLO F1 Followers

Happy to know there is a group o fellow nudist who love F1..I am very excited My fav is SEB5 but my new fav in addition to SEB will be the young MAX

Is this group dead.

OK so the cars sound more like hairdryers and the new technical challenges appear to have caught out some of the biggest teams but did you see the Bahrain race! Wheel to wheel action, great skills and some surprising names in the top 10. I can't...

This made me smile

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Interesting season ahead?

Time to re-activate this group I think. What do you make of the new rules - following the 1st race of the season in Australia? A cynical and cursory attempt to address criticism of the sport by environmentalists? A real opportunity to push/fund...

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F1 Indian GP 2013

had been to the Indian Gp and was good fun. in the hotel room was naked all the time. We were 4 of us. had a good time.

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When will Jensen get a decent car?

Mclaren very down this season Jensen has won the hungarian GP but only gives himself a chance of a podium in tomorrows race!

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"Quick" Comments.

How fast do we think the Lotus will be in Malaysia? This year?

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2013 The New Season!!

Ok so we are nearing the New Season 2013, Jerez testing went well for some and not so well for others! For me I am now based in NZ so getting to a race will be that little bit harder - Jerez was 2hrs away, Barcelona etc a little further. I am not...