Sunday 18th August - Rishworth Moor

Planning on doing a Rishworth Moor walk, 11am meeting at the car park near the mast of M62 at J22. Bring lunch. Probably out for up to 4 hours or so, 8miles usually. Message me if you want more info.


Any upcoming naturist rambling?

21st June - World Naked Hiking Day

Hoping to be out on Rishworth Moor for this. 11am near the mast at J22 off the M62. Plus BN have a walk further east at Levisham. Let me know if you want more details. Fingers crossed for weather.

10th April 2024

Hi guys. Planning on getting out on Weds - not sure yet if Skipton or Rishworth way. If interested, let me know and Ill keep you in the loop.

9th November - Stanley Ferry

Off out on Thursday to do a textile walk - 11am from Stanley Ferry pub car park. All welcome. Approx 6m.

18th October - Hole of Horcum

Doing a recce walk at the Hole of Horcum starting at 11am from the car park. Should be 7m, about 3hrs. Message me for more info if needed. Not sure if it will be strippable weather!

5th October 2023

Aiming for a walk from The Crooked Billet in Saxton on Thursday starting at 10.30. Message me for more info. Never seem to attract (m)any from TN so not going overboard on detail!

6th September 2023 - Hanging Shaw & the...

Liam & Andy leading out an 8m walk of about 5hrs - meeting at 11am. Meeting at Hanging Shaw Picnic & Parking area. Liam would like folk to contact him in advance so if youre interested, ask me for more info.

BN walks in Yorkshire- 2023

Sarah White from British Naturism is leading a few naturist walks in the Yorkshire area. These walks are open to anyone. If you are interested and would like to know more then email

23rd July & 26th July 2023

Ive put up a walk in the events for 23rd near Leconfield but Im not sure anyone looks there?! Anyway, theres also a walk nr Wolsingham on the 26th (DL13 3NX). Rather than me spending a lot of time putting info on here that few people read - message...