

List of previous members who were all individually vetted for both declared interest in actively participating and local proximity to either SCHVITZ CLEVELAND or SWEATLODGE CHICAGO SCHVITZ CLEVELAND aguyfromohio allamboy69 Anfdude2 Ankoii...

Chicago Sweatlodge on Monday March 20

Planning on hanging at Chicago Sweatlodge likely starting around 7 PM on March 20, a Monday night. I plan to wear a purple or blue broccoli rubber band on my wrist and that's it. Haven't been in over ten years. Let me know if you're...

Feb 4

Heading to the Sweatlodge. Never been before. Who else is heading there this weekend?

Chicago Sweatlodge Youtube Videos

There are several videos on YouTube of the Chicago Sweatlodge. Chicago Sweatlodge on YouTube Have a gander and get inspired to plan a group excursion.

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Dec 9th Who is In??

Hey guys, is it possible to get a firm yes or no on who is going on the 9th? And for those of us for sure going would you like to go together or follow or??? I am a firm yes on going, I figure you only live once and while the price may seem high, If...

Cleveland Schvitz - December 9

DECEMBER 9 - Friday Afternoon - Evening with Steak Dinner The Cleveland Schvitz Men's Club is now open for it's 95th Season. Please RESPOND below that you are coming and ONLY respond if you are interested in going. [We do NOT need to know...

Cleveland Schvitz - Posted March 22

Men, Thanks for joining CLEsteamersCLE. "This is a private and NON-SEXUAL nudist MEN'S social GROUP" I got feedback that the original group description sounded like a gay bathhouse. This is NOT the case at all. If you haven't fully...

Chicago Sweatlodge July 30, 2022

THIS WEEKEND CHICAGO SWEATLODGE Saturday July 30 - 1:00 PM Local Time Please let us know if you are attending (no need to write your decline) by responding below. From there, feel free to message each...