Nude Work Out

cardio workout on stationary bike

Today's cardio workout was 20 minute ride on stationary bike. Some mild climbs a few pop-ups and several sprints. For 5 miles and 180 calories burned.

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Day 5 of 50 kettlebell swing challenge

Day 5 of the challenge complete. Today I tried the double arm swing with a kettlebell in both hands despite going down I weight because I wasnt really familiar with this swing variation I still think my form was not good. I felt to much in my back...

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Why do you work out clothes free?

There are several naked or nude workout groups on this site but very few people actually share what their workouts are like. That got me thinking of a poll. Why do you workout nude, naked or clothes free? Type your response in the comments. A - Just...

10 minutes on stepper

Ten minutes HIIT workout on stepper/electrical done. Ten sprints for 30 then low speed low resistance break for 30. Not sure if I am really using the stepper correctly as the least bit of resistance kicks my butt however I feel I am getting a good...

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Got back on my workout routine

Got back on my workout routine after a rough busy week where I didnt get much workout time in.

Peloton Nude

A recent Peloton commercial show Chris Meloni exercising nude, However, the tag line at the end implies that only Chris Meloni uses peloton nude. I would expect that a fair number of people who have it at home do, including many who are not nude in...

How does your clothes free work out make you...

The feeling I get after a workout especially clothes free work is exhilarating. Feeling the sweat evaporate off my skin indicating with effort made and the seeing how my muscles look as they respond and hearing my breath is a motivating and...

nude on stationary bike

Mostly I am nude on my stationary bike. In the cold room its not so motivating in the moment. Have to switch the heating to a higher level, to do more.

Nude Pilates

Hi . I am wanting to start teaching Pilates classes nude online. I have been teaching for almost 20 years and the benefits are remarkable. let me know if you are interested for further details

Setting up a home gym

I am starting to accumulate some equipment for a home gym. Nothing super fancy and not too much stuff since the room it is going in, my enclosed porch is about 10X18 and at the moment is half full of furniture and stuff until I finish the renovation...