Things to do nude

Talk about things that do and don't go well with nudity

Laguna del Sol Campout and Social Event June...

The River Dippers, our local non-landed club in Sacramento, is currently contemplating a camping and social event at Laguna del Sol. It will be either on the first or second weekend in June. People will make their own reservations, but I'm...

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Naturist Society Foundation CAMPOUT

The Naturist Society Foundation CAMPOUT Join Cynthia of the TNSF Board and Rolf Holbach of SCNA for a camping adventure in Arizona at the Magic Circle. E-mail or call 1-818-225-2273 March 30,31 April 1,2 Magic Circle...

Nude mirror selfie

This is me and my bestie Gatita had one of the nude mirror selfies. How often do you all do nude selfies at home?

Naked Workouts

I wondered how many options there are for people to exercise naked? I go to naked yoga. And tried naked work out in gym. Who likes to exercise naked? I'm looking at hiring studio space so I can work out naked.

naked in front of fireplace stove

Really nice to be naked in front of a fireplace stove. Saves gas and you have a chance to be naked and it is good for the climate. Quite natural. And you have a heat radiation which is not possible with electric or gas heating.

Nude cruises

We're going on Bare Necessities nude cruise Feb 12-26, 2023. Anyone else?


If you intentionally take a nap, are you nude when you do so? I usually am.

Celebrate birthdays

Celebrated a birthday of a friend yesterday about thirty people came by for cupcakes fruit cup and shots. No orgies ensued just good wishes and good conversation in socially nude situation.

Couch surfing in India

Hey guys. What's the scene for couch surfing in India. How well has it penetrated ? Have you had any experiences ? Any visitors ?

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Nude Deer Hunting

I have considered starting a nudist Deer Hunting camp in South Carolina. I was wondering if there was any interest?