Things to do nude

Talk about things that do and don't go well with nudity

Here in Kenya you ask?

Well since outdoor nudism is still not allowed here, when I'm home I cook, I eat, I clean, I work on my laptop completely clothes free. It's normally so energising.

Blueberry Picking

Added to my things done naked. We hiked in two miles to a blueberry patch (naked of course) and spent two hours picking blueberries. Awesome day.

L.A. Naked Dinner Party

"When I arrived for the dinner party, a naked woman holding a wine glass filled with hibiscus tea greeted me at the door. Inside I could see a group of about 15 people already in the backyard. They too were all naked. "Should I just take...

Alternative locations

Nudism and Naturism are often used interchangeably. Most public venues that allow nudity are outdoors. People go to nude beaches, take nude hikes and nudist resorts really promote their outdoor activities. Why aren't their more indoor nudist...

Nakation Time?

I noticed that I have no commitments between July 16 and 23 and our grandson will not be with us that week. Sounds like a great opportunity for a naked staycation! Three significant checkpoints along the way. Passing my current record of 64 hours....


I have read about dance troupes, theater groups, rock bands and singing groups that perform nude. Never heard of a concert band or orchestra. Has anyone?

Naked sailing

I have been sailing most of my life but recently started flotilla sailing holidays and as soon as the shore disapears its clothes free. What a great way to get an all over tan. Just returned from 2 weeks naked sailing in Croatia with 3 like minded...

Finally drove nude

Drove home from band nude tonight. Sat on a towel in case I needed cover. Took my shirt and footwear off quickly but waited until the parking lot was empty to drop the shorts. Took the route on back roads instead of driving through towns. Freeing...