Things to do nude

Talk about things that do and don't go well with nudity

WNBR 2024

Are there any World Naked Bike Rides being planned for this year? On the WNBR wiki page, it doesn't list very many at all. There is one in SF next month but that's it on the west coast. Portland lists their next ride as the one from 2023....

What did you do nude in the outdoors...

Well, it's finally getting nice warm weather on the northern hemisphere, so I thought it would be interesting and inspiring to hear what people do under the blue sky while not burdening with clothes. OK? I honestly don't know if there is...

Caught Hiking Nude

Hi ya'll, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share insight about nude hiking experiences on public trails, particularly in the California area. What was the general reception like to your being caught unclothed? Did the people you...

Camping Nude at the MC

The 2024 / 2025 season starts Sept 15th. Hope to see some new people camping at the MC Link to the Magic Circle group. Enjoy nude camping

nude figure art modeling

I did my first 3 hour session today It went better then I thought it would

Things to do clothed while still being...

"Please do not interpret this badly. I love everyone. I just want this site to not have people having crimes happen in the worst way social media can produce. Not all social media sites are criminal. Just the ones where scammers are the only...

ATM Nude

A few people have mentioned going to an outdoor ATM nude. Has anyone gone to one in the vestibule of a bank nude when the bank was closed?

Have you been nude in front of your neighbor?

Well either by accident of intentional? For me I have known her for 8 years only came out last year so I could sun bathe. Almost went to door and answered it one time. So I thought that was the right time to say something. So I asked her if she...

Driving nude - know its been up here before,...

I had a great day today - put in my single longest nude drive. Not talking golf here, but in my car. Was a beautifully warm Spring day around 28c and found myself on the motorway nude...and just keep going to home, where I hoped out and walked into...

Driving Nude

The other night, we had a very warm evening, and, late at night, I put the top down and drove around my city totally naked. So nice! The warm breeze felt so good! It was late at night, so there was no traffic to speak of. It felt wonderful.