Scotland Today


Is anyone into the idea of naked sploshing? For the uninitiated, that's covering yourself or others with liquids/viscous substances/foodstuffs, etc - think baked beans on your ball sack, single cream running down your chest.

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Ardeer (29.07.24)

Heading down to Ardeer this afternoon. Big overcast in Glasgow, but pleasantly warm, hopefully it will be brighter at Ardeer. Either way, I'll be getting naked.

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Edinburgh Fringe

Hi, Anyone been/going to any of the clothing optional shows at the Fringe? I'm thinking about going to one today. Naked Cabaret Voodoo Rooms - Speakeasy 16:50 part of the Free Fringe Anyone else up for it?

Ardeer (13.07.24)

Managed a wee visit to the beach at Ardeer. Nice day; pleasantly warm and sunny. Quite a few nude folks on the beach, and a mix of ages, which is great to see - nudity is for everyone! Hopefully get back down there again soon. Anyone else been/going...

Edinburgh Naked Bike Ride (06.07.24)

No, I didn't participate - no bike and haven't cycled since I was 16, so I'm not sure I'd be confident on the streets of Edinburgh. Anyway, looked like a decent turnout (around 25 cyclists), who were almost all entirely nude. Well...

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Largo Bay, Fife

Had a nice bit of naked time here, yesterday (24.06.24). Clear blue sky, lovely and warm, peace and quiet. Wonderful.

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Warming up (slowly)

The days are lengthening out, once more, and the sun is warming our world. Anyone managed any outdoor nude days yet, this year? Might not be too long before Ardeer is a pleasant option, again.

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The Gathering

Is anyone else going to the BN Gathering in Melrose this coming week end

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Has anybody managed a visit to Ardeer durung the Covid lockdown. Was anybody there and was there any hassles in visiting or any restrictions?